Docker Compose configuration to run PHP, mginx, PHP-FPM, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Composer and Symfony
- PHP 7.4.14
- nginx 1.18
- MySQL 8.0.23
- PostgreSQL 13.1
Read this in other languages: English, Español.
This Docker Compose configuration allows you to run PHP 7.4 with nginx 1.18, PHP-FPM, MySQL 8.0.23, PostgreSQL 13.1, Composer and Symfony.
It exposes 4 services:
- nginx
- php-fpm
- mysql
- postgres
To know all extensions enabled for PHP you can run it using docker-compose up
and visit: http://localhost/ and check the PHP info.
PHP has by default pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql and Xdebug enabled.
The UUID extension for PostgreSQL has been added.
Nginx includes default basic configuration for Symfony 5.
Composer runs during boot to install the vendors. More info:
Symfony command is available. More info:
You must have docker running on your computer. Follow the installation instructions from here:
Checkout this repo or download it.
Just run docker-compose up
By default nginx will be available on http://localhost:80
, PostgreSQL on http://localhost:5432
and MySQL on http://localhost:3306
You can run some nginx commands when needed, i.e.:
docker-compose exec nginx nginx -v
You can run composer commands, i.e.:
docker-compose run composer <composer-command>
docker-compose run composer -V
You can run symfony commands, i.e.:
docker-compose exec php-fpm symfony <symfony-command>
For instance, you can check symfony requirements:
docker-compose exec php-fpm symfony check:req
You can run PHP commands, i.e.:
docker-compose exec php-fpm php -v
You can run postgres commands, i.e.:
docker-compose exec postgres postgres -V
And work with your DBs:
docker-compose exec postgres psql -d testdb -U myuser
You can run mysql commands, i.e.:
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -V
And work with your DBs:
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -u root -pmyrootpassword
By default when you run docker-compose up
it's attaching the src/
folder as volume. It will be the folder used to serve the source code.
Check docker-compose.yml
and change the volumes for nginx and php-fpm where you have your code.
You can change ./src/
under volumes:
to any other folder in your system.
- ./src/:/var/www/
For instance:
- ../my-symfony-project/:/var/www/
The docker-compose.yml
runs both MySQL and PostgreSQL but if you want to use only one you can comment the code out (or delete it) the DB you don't want to use in docker-compose.yml
The .env
file contains the sensitive user & password information for connecting to the DBs.
Modify .env
file default parameters according to your needs.
You can enable/disable any PHP directive just by editing these files:
or ./php-fpm/conf.d/xdebug.ini