The purpose of this project is ________. (Describe the main goals of the project and potential civic impact. Limit to a short paragraph, 3-6 Sentences)
Name | Github Page | Personal Website |
Misha Berrien | mishaberrien | |
- Inferential Statistics
- Machine Learning
- Data Visualization
- Predictive Modeling
- etc.
- R
- Python
- D3
- PostGres, MySql
- Pandas, jupyter
- JavaScript
- etc.
(Provide more detailed overview of the project. Talk a bit about your data sources and what questions and hypothesis you are exploring. What specific data analysis/visualization and modelling work are you using to solve the problem? What blockers and challenges are you facing? Feel free to number or bullet point things here)
- Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
- Raw Data is being kept [here](Repo folder containing raw data) within this repo.
- Data processing/transformation scripts are being kept [here](Repo folder containing data processing scripts/notebooks)
- etc...
- Follow setup [instructions](Link to file)
This file structure is based on the DSSG machine learning pipeline.