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Releases: mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-Python

C++ SDK Update

24 Nov 19:11
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  • Updated C++ SDK to v0.20.6

MMS Release

25 Mar 21:31
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Release for MMS support:

  • Updated C++ SDK to v0.20.0

C++ SDK Update

03 Jan 21:13
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  • Updated C++ SDK to v0.19.1
  • Update PyWarble, Warble and LIBBLECPP
  • Python 3 only (Python2 is not supported)
  • Windows is no longer supported

C++ SDK and Python Feature Update

29 Jan 10:12
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C++ SDK Update

12 Dec 09:34
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v0.6.2 is a bug fix release that updates the underlying C++ SDK to include a critical fix for the fuser processor (commit db15653)

C++ SDK 0.17.0 Update

11 Nov 01:33
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v0.6.0 updates the underlying C++ SDK from v0.16.0 to v0.17.0 and fixes a path issue when building the C++ sdk on Win32.

Update To C++ SDK v0.16.0

26 Jul 21:12
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v0.5.0 updates the underlying C++ SDK from v0.13.4 to v0.16.0, and ups the min required PyWarble library to v1.1.0.

C++ SDK and BLE Lib Update

13 Jun 23:11
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v0.4.0 updates the underlying C++ SDK it is binding (v0.13.4) and replaces gattlib with our own BLE wrapper library, enabling the Python SDK to be used on Windows 10 (min FCU) devices as well.


Due to the aforementioned updates, there are breaking changes in this release.


C++ SDK v0.12.0 added an extra void* parameter to functions / types containing function pointers (see specifics in the SDK release notes). As this SDK is a wrapper around the underlying C++ code, developers must update their bindings with the new types and parameters. Python does not require use of the new context parameter so it can be set to None.

See the diff for for an example of the change.

MetaWear Class

The new Linux ble library chooses hci devices based on their mac address instead of their name. To accommodate this change, the device option for the MetaWear constructor function has been renamed to hci_mac.

For example, given this hciconfig out:

hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: USB
	BD Address: 9C:B6:D0:15:FC:A0  ACL MTU: 1024:8  SCO MTU: 50:8
	RX bytes:71588 acl:18 sco:0 events:2181 errors:0
	TX bytes:2187 acl:18 sco:0 commands:127 errors:0

You would create a MetaWear object for that hci device as follow:

device = MetaWear(address, **{'hci_mac': '9C:B6:D0:15:FC:A0'})

BLE Scanning

As with previous releases, scanning is done using the underlying BLE library. Refer to the updated and PyWarble's scripts for examples.

Updated C++ SDK Reference

20 Dec 01:34
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Underlying C++ SDK updated to v0.11.4

Feature and Compatibility Update

12 Nov 09:58
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v0.3.0 is a small update addressing compatibility issues with the MetaCloud SDK and adds device information fields to the MetaWear class.


  • Added info field which is a dictionary holding the characteristic values of the Device Information GATT service
  • Changed Python SDK serialization format to include device information
    • Old *.bin files will be automatically removed by the SDK after a deserialization
  • Fixed compatibility issue with the MetaCloud SDK where Python would not properly parse two modules with the same parent module