Getting Started
git clone https://github.com/SpartanSOS/HastyMobile.git
npm i
Running tests:
npm run test // Runs Jest
npm i -g expo // Installs exponent cli globally.
expo start --localhost
expo start --localhost --dev // For dev mode and additional logging
expo start --lan // For lan developing and use with phone
Use mobile phone with expo or, in a separate terminal tab/window, run...
expo ios // For ios
expo android --offline // For android offline
// react-native-debugger
$ brew update && brew cask install react-native-debugger
// for more...
or other methods...
// Startup app using lan, allow remote debugging, open app in simulator
// run RND on expo port
$ unset ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE && open -g 'rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?port=19001'
// Sentry error logging can be found here:
expo build:ios // For build standalone app
expo publish // To publish to exp.host
Avoid Tunnel use if possible. Always use securely as tunnel and lan are running on network
- Mark Boraski mailto:mboraski@outlook.com
Update local master to remote master
git pull --rebase origin master
! -
Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b HAMO-8
(jira ticket number) -
Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
Push to the branch:
git push origin HAMO-8
Move JIRA ticket to ready for review and add link to PR in jira ticket description.
Submit a pull request, the name of the branch should be the JIRA ticket. E.g. HAMO-4.
Ticket will be reviewed and reviewer will assign ticket to him/herself.
When review completed, the ticket will be assigned to the developer to address comments or merge PR and move ticket to done column in jira.