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MBrace on AWS

An MBrace runtime implementation on top of AWS PaaS components. Enables easy deployment of scalable MBrace clusters using web workers. It also supports on-site cluster deployments using AWS storage/service bus components for communication.

For a first introduction to MBrace please refer to the main website at For developer information regarding the MBrace Core components, please refer to the MBrace.Core repository. If you have any questions regarding MBrace don't hesitate to create an issue or ask one of the maintainers. You can also follow the official MBrace twitter account @mbracethecloud.

Building & Running Tests

Depending on your platform, you can build and run tests running build.bat or build.cmd. To successfully run unit tests, you need to have credentials set to your default profile in your local credentials store. Alternative, you could set the following environment variables:

export AWS_REGION="eu-central-1"                   # defaults to eu-central-1
export AWS_CREDENTIAL_STORE_PROFILE=<profile name> # uses "default" if unset
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your access key>         # your account's access key
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key>     # your account's secret key

Deploying an MBrace.AWS Cluster

There are currently 2 ways to deploy an MBrace.AWS cluster

  • Standalone Deployments: Use MBrace.AWS.StandaloneWorker to manually deploy a cluster on-premises or a cloud VM.
  • Elastic Beanstalk: Use the MBrace.AWS.WebWorker implementation to deploy a cluster using AWS Elastic Beanstalk.


The MBrace project is happy to accept quality contributions from the .NET community. Please contact any of the maintainers if you would like to get involved.

Build Status

  • .NET/Windows Build status
  • Mono/Linux Build Status



MBrace runtime implementation targeting Amazon Web Services







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