Command line options for selecting CAT backend: --rigctld localhost:4532
or --flrig localhost:12345
Text entry field added to top of the window to filter the spots returned. For example:
will show only the parks in US Washington State.-US-WA
will exclude all parks in US Washington State.
More spot information was added to each line.
First install the requirements.
python3 -m pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Or if you're the Ubuntu/Debian type you can:
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 python3-requests python3-psutil
Then, run the program from source.
I've included a .spec file in case you wished to create your own binary from the source. To use it, first install pyinstaller.
python3 -m pip3 install pyinstaller
Then build the binary.
pyinstaller -F potato.spec
Look in the newly created dist directory to find your binary.
Or execute the shell script in the install_icon folder to copy the binary from the dist directory to your ~/.local/bin folder and install a launcher icon.