This is a framework for making html emails quickly and more easily. It does this by seperating the header, footer and main content of the email into partials that can be compiled to one cohesive html email. Its does this by utilizing gulp to run builds and nunjucks for templating. This framework is already setup to use some of mailchimps hooks like there view in browser function but they can be easily taken out and replaced with your ESP's hooks or take them out entirely.
You can setup this repo to use for your own emails by forking it then cloning it to you machine. Once cloned ,where you want it, run the typical commands you would to install node/npm based work flow.
git clone
cd SimpleEmailTemplating/
npm install
After you run those you should be ready to go. Please Note: you must have node and npm installed for this to work.
To compile your email to html, run.
$ gulp build
To run an http server to view your email before you send, run.
$ gulp serve
note: the file being served is the built html file in app/
To build and run the http server, run.
$ gulp watch
This both builds your email and servers it on a server while watching for any changes, reloading on save of changed files
More functionality will be added as I continue to work on this to make it better.
features I am working on:
Being able to auto-build on save.- also incorperating juice for inlining styles.
As for right now there is not functionality for that.