Overview of digital media courses offered by MCC; viewable on MCCDGM
Each course listing should include:
The course code
Name of the course
A short description, such as an excerpt of the course description
Thumbnail image in 2:1 aspect ratio (recommended size 600×300px)
Which semesters the course is offered (Spring, Summer, Fall)
If the course is a different format, such as blended or online, that information should be listed inside parentheses following the semester.
If the course has not run before, the class new
should be added to the parent <div class="card">
. The course can also be added to the featured/new section.
If the course is unavailable or not scheduled, the class unavailable
should be added to the parent <div class="card">
and the footer paragraph should be updated.
Courses should be organized by course code in ascending order. Separate courses by their course code prefix, such as DGM or WEB. Each course prefix group should contain a <div class="card-set">
, with individual course cards inside it.
The course code added on the parent <div class="card">
is not used for any styling, but makes it easier to organize cards when code is collapsed.
<div class="card new dgm290">
<a href="dgm290" class="card-img-link">
<img class="card-img-top" src="images/dgm290.png" alt="DGM290">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title">
<a href="dgm290">DGM290:</a>
Command Line for Web Developers
<p class="card-text">
In Command Line for Web Developers, students will become familiar with UNIX command line tools. Using automated build tools and task runners, students will be able to create and deploy static websites. Students will also learn how to use version control to work with teams and manage projects.
<p class="card-text small text-muted">Spring (online)</p>
<div class="card new dgm290">
<img class="card-img-top" src="images/dgm290.png" alt="DGM290">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title">
Command Line for Web Developers
<p class="card-text">
In Command Line for Web Developers, students will become familiar with UNIX command line tools. Using automated build tools and task runners, students will be able to create and deploy static websites. Students will also learn how to use version control to work with teams and manage projects.
<p class="card-text small text-muted">Spring (online)</p>
A course "splash page" can be created for each class. This page is freeform and can be tailored to each class. It may include components such as links to a class portal or sample assignments (e.g. web105), additional information not covered in the description, and so on. Splash pages should each have their own directory inside public_html/courses
unless they have their own dedicated subdomain. Make sure that your links point to the right place!
The course catalog uses Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 and makes use of Flexbox for adaptive layout. The original Sass template for the page can be found on Codepen.
Anyone with root access to the MCCDGM server can upload their course catalog files. The catalog files are stored in public_html/courses
and can be accessed at https://courses.mccdgm.net