sixaxis-android is a fork from [QtSixA] 1 to run under Android.
It can connect PS3 hardware (Sixaxis/DualShock3 and Keypads) to a Linux-compatible machine.
Moreover, sixaxis-android is patched for [Gasia] 2 (DualShock3 clone) gamepad. Due to the way Bluetooth works under Linux, sixaxis-android requires a rooted device. For a demo, watch this [video] 3.
- Download [Android NDK] 4.
- Extract the NDK and extract sixaxis-android in the same folder.
- Change dir to sixaxis-android/sixad-gasia.
cd sixaxis-android/sixad-gasia
- Open Makefile and adjust NDK_KIT if needed to point to NDK location relative to Makefile.
NDK_KIT = ../../android-ndk-r9d/
- Run make.
After make succeed, the folder bins will be created.
Copy the executable in the bins folder (mainly sixad-bin and sixad-sixaxis) to your Android device. Make sure to copy them to a location where you can run them. For example /system/bin.
Pair your DualShock3 controller with you Android device using your Android device Bluetooth MAC address. This step should be ran on a separate machine using a USB cable connected to your DualShock3. The Android device Bluetooth MAC address can be obtained as following:
Turn on Bluetooth.
Go to Settings -> About tablet -> Status -> Bluetooth address.
The following command should be ran on a Linux machine or even a Linux virtual machine using [VirtualBox] 5 for example where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the Bluetooth MAC address of your Android device. For more information look at [Ubuntu sixaxis documentation] 6.
sudo sixpair XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
- Turn off Bluetooth on your Android device.
- For sixaxis-android to work correctly, you need to disable bluez input plugin. You have two option according to your device:
- Rename /system/lib/bluez-plugin/ to anything else.
- Edit /system/etc/bluetooth/main.conf to include the following configuration:
DisablePlugins = input
- Turn on Bluetooth.
- Go to the folder where you copied sixad-bin in step 2 and run the following command:
sixad-bin 1 0 0
- Click on PS button on your DualShock3 controller.
- You will see some output from sixad-bin that confirm that pairing was successful.
- Open your favorite game and enjoy!
If your game does not detect your controller, try to click on the PS button after starting the game instead of clicking it directly after running sixad-bin.
Currently only Android devices with bluez are supported. Newer Android devices with BlueDroid are not yet supported.