Atena Go driver is a fully fledged tool for a fast and easy management of everything about Atena Db. This library hosts all the necessary to handle requests to Atena Server. Thanks to this package you will be able to completely administer, manage and use Atena DB. We are making updates as a new core version comes out and tag the release according to the core release.
So let's start developing!!!
go get
import (
Atena golang driver provides 2 different classes to manage Atena db:
- AtenaAdmin -
provides everything you need for dbs and users management. - AtenaDb - In the other hand,
features a complete set of features that enable all kind of queries to your db making easier your development experience.
Connection is set up when an AtenaDb or AtenaAdmin object is instantiated. The AtenaDb and the AtenaAdmin are the main arbiters of the connection to Atena, your application should maintain a single instance of these classes throughout its runtime.
In order to initialize the connection you need the following info:
where USERNAME is your atena username (e.g. default user "Admin"),
PASSWORD is your atena server's password (e.g. default psw user Admin is "Admin", you can change it whenever you want),
HOST_NAME is the host name of your server (e.g. localhost),
PORT_NUMBER is the port number Atena is listening on (usually e.g. 5001)
and DBNAME the DB you want to connect to (e.g. "Atena" our default db which is always available, you don't need to create it. When you turn on Atena, you can just start using it).
is optional in both the classes.
If you don't need advanced configuration you can just omit it. Atena will connect to localhost:5001 the default AtenaDb endpoint.
// `HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER` is optional in both the classes.
// If you don't need advanced configuration you can just omit it. Atena will connect to localhost:5001 the default AtenaDb endpoint.
atenaAdmin, err := atena.BuildAdmin(username, password)
db, err := atena.BuildDefault(username, password,"Atena")
// OR
atenaAdmin, err := atena.BuildAdmin(username, password, "HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER")
db, err := atena.Build(username, password,"HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER", "Atena")
Now that you've retreived the connection to the database, all that's left is to use it. Here are some simple operations:
Usernames and passwords can contain letters, numbers and the underscore (_).
result := atenaAdmin.CreateUser(username, password)
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
Usernames and passwords can contain letters, numbers and the underscore (_).
result := atenaAdmin.ChangePassword(newpassword)
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
This db is saved persistently on-disk by default and it automatically optimize the usage of your resources to provide the best performance using as few resources as possible.
Unlike all the other K/V stores on the market who work entirely in-memory or on-disk this db optimize the usage of your memory.
It supports data larger than your memory, by leveraging fast external storage. So it is also consistent and you won't lose any data. It uses consistent recovery using a fast non-blocking checkpointing technique, that lets applications trade-off performance for commit latency.
Atena is strongly clound-oriented and memory is very expensive in the cloud, so run a K/V store completely in-memory can be very expensive. Atena doesn't need a lot of memory to works and at the same time doesn't have capacity limits due to the limited memory resources. It's designed for heavy updates and read/write loads
as well as top-class performance.
result := atenaAdmin.CreateDB("mynewdbname")
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
This db engine is still in beta and we don't recommend use it. However it has already been thoroughly tested and is already stable 🟢
This db is a completely custom db engine realized by Atena. CRUD operations and transactions on DB are made in log time (O(log n)). The engine is based on our RedBlack Tree implementation in C#.
It is meant as an advanced and more complex db engine option. In fact it has got two option in addition to the usual parameters.
These option are:
- LFU - LFU is an
eviction policy
which autonomously removes the oldest and least used record from your store ( as cache ), optimizing your db size and resources usage - on-disk persistence - Instead on-disk persistence enable the saving on disk of the db to avoid data loss.
💡: We recommend enable this two feature together to get the best experience possible.
⚠️ NOTE: Enabling LFU without on-disk persistence enabled can cause data loss.
result := atenaAdmin.CreateDBRBT("mynewdbname", bool: lfu, bool: on-disk-persistence)
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
This db engine is still in beta and we don't recommend use it. However it has already been thoroughly tested and is already stable 🟢
This db is a completely custom db engine realized by Atena. The engine is based on an hashtable.
It is meant as an advanced and more complex db engine option. In fact it has got two option in addition to the usual parameters.
These option are:
- LFU - LFU is an
eviction policy
which autonomously removes the oldest and least used records from your store ( as cache ), optimizing your db size and resources usage - on-disk persistence - Instead on-disk persistence enable the saving on disk of the db to avoid data loss.
💡: We recommend enable this two feature together to get the best experience possible.
⚠️ NOTE: Enabling LFU without on-disk persistence enabled can cause data loss.
result := atenaAdmin.CreateDBHT("mynewdbname", bool: lfu, bool: on-disk-persistence);
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
result := atenaAdmin.DeleteDB(dbname)
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
💡: We recommend logging out if you finished using AtenaAdmin. This will boost AtenaDb performance.
⚠️ NOTE: One time you Logout you need do reinitialize the connection and Build anothe Admin object ( Step 3.)
result := atenaAdmin.Logout();
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
Let's make some operations on our db. Now that you've retreived the connection to the database, all that's left is to use it. Here are some simple operations:
This command allow you to set a key and a value of type string. You can put practically anything inside this K/V record because everything, from complex object (JSON, Protobuf) to byte[], can be serialized into a string.
result := db.Set("hello", "hi")
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
value, err := db.Get("hello")
if err != nil {
log.Println("GET OP")
log.Println("KEY: hello VALUE: " + value)
Returns a bool
with the status of the current operation and if the operation was successful the value related to the key we asked for.
To modify the value you can simply use the Set
Specifically designed for analytics and counters storage this method allows you to modify the value of your counter adding or substracting directly through one single call.
This feature is designed to optimize performance, reduce latency and minimize pointless DB calls.
To use this feature the value must be an integer
// SET a counter.
result := db.Set("clic", "1")
if result
log.Println("SET clic : 1")
// Increment the counter by 11 units
newvalue, err := db.Incr("clic",11)
if err != nil {
log.Println("KEY: clic; NEWVALUE: " + newvalue)
Returns a bool
with the status of the current operation and, if the operation was successful, the new value related to the counter we wanted to modify.
result := atena.Del("hello")
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.
Thanks to this method you are able to completely remove every K/V record from the db.
result := atena.RemoveAll()
Returns a bool
representing the result of the operation.