moneytransfer is a simple and robust money transfer service application, featuring safe transactions and idempotency for critical transfer operations.
sbt run
Then go to http://localhost:8090/swagger
to play with REST.
To stop server and exit, press Enter.
- auto-generated documentation (swagger)
- auto-generated REST client interface (swagger)
- unit tests
- integration tests
- load testing (Gatling)
- transaction-safe money transfer
- duplicate transaction prevention using idempotency key
- resource names according to best practices
- featuring scalastyle for high code quality standards
For unit tests, run:
sbt test
For integration tests, run:
sbt it:test
For load test, run service:
sbt run
and then run gatling in separate console:
sbt gatling:test
Generated reports are located in target/gatling/
Go to http://localhost:8090/swagger
for REST interactive testing and documentation.
allows you to edit description interactievly, just import URL http://localhost:8090/api-docs/swagger-manual.json
# server interface
host =
# server port
port = 8090
# time-to-live for idempotency key, in seconds
TTL = 3600
# operations between old keys cleanup
gc = 10000