Object oriented GUI library. Programatically generate common gui items.
from guiblox import buttonRow, entryCol, theme, listWindow
from guiblox.__main__ import main
from guiblox import entryCol
entryDict = {} # Dict for entry column object
entryDict['Entry1'] = 'Data1' # Define Label & Default Val
entryDict['Entry2'] = 'Data2' # Define Label & Default Val
entryDict['Entry3'] = 'Data3' # Define Label & Default Val
root = theme().addColor() # Create GUI object w/ colors
root.entryCol = entryCol(root, entryDict) # Create column of entry fields
### Assign Functions/Behavior
root.entryCol.frame.config(width=100) # Chg frame width
root.entryCol.chg2Enum('entry2', ['Opt1','Opt2']) # Chg entry2 to pull down
root.entryCol.entry2_enum.set('Opt1') # entry2 default value
from guiblox import buttonRow
root = theme().addColor() # Create GUI object w/ colors defined.
root.title('GUI Example')
### Create GUI Elements
root.buttnRow = buttonRow(root, 3) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
### Assign Functions/Behavior
root.buttnRow.button0.config(text='foo' ,command=lambda: buttonfunc1(root))
root.buttnRow.button1.config(text='clear',command=lambda: buttonfunc2(root))
root.buttnRow.button2.config(text='baz' ,command=lambda: buttonfunc3(root))
from guiblox import listWindow
root = theme().addColor() # Create GUI object w/ colors
root.title('GUI Example')
### Create GUI Elements
root.TextBox = listWindow(root) # Create bottom text box
root.TextBox.stdOut() # Print --> TextBox
### Assign Functions/Behavior
root.TextBox.listWindow.config(height= 5,width=66)
listWindow Method | Description |
listWindow.add_Files | Opens GUI to add files |
listWindow.clear | Clears listWindow |
listWindow.getlist | returns contents as list |
listWindow.getstr | returns contents as string |
listWindow.stdOut | Redirects Print statements to listWindow |
listWindow.writeN | Prints text to listWindow |
listWindow.writeH | Prints text to listWindow w/ Highlight |