Dev Finder is a web application designed to facilitate pair programming sessions with random developers. It leverages Next.js for server-side rendering, routing, and various optimization features, PostgreSQL for data storage, Tailwind CSS for styling, and React SDK for front-end interactivity. With features like Google sign-in, room creation, editing, and deletion, as well as video chat capabilities within rooms, developers can seamlessly collaborate on coding projects.
Google Sign-In: Sign in securely with your Google account using Next-Auth for authentication.
Room Management: Create, edit, and delete rooms to organize your pair programming sessions effectively.
Video Chat: Collaborate face-to-face with fellow developers through integrated video chat functionality.
Screen Sharing: Share your screen with others to showcase code, debug, or demonstrate concepts.
Tagged Rooms: Categorize rooms with tags to easily find discussions on specific topics, such as TypeScript, JavaScript frameworks, or design patterns.
Toggle Light/Dark Mode: Offers users the option to switch between dark mode and light mode to customize their visual experience
Next.js: Utilized for efficient server-side rendering, routing, and optimization features such as Incremental Static Regeneration, Automatic Image Optimization, and API Routes.
PostgreSQL: Powering the database for storing user accounts, room data, and tags.
Tailwind CSS: Providing a utility-first CSS framework for streamlined styling and customization.
React SDK: Building interactive user interfaces for seamless user experiences.
Next-Auth: Handling authentication seamlessly with various providers including Google.
Drizzle ORM: An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for PostgreSQL, used for interacting with the database.
Zod: A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library used for data validation.