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Releases: mdapena/pyventus


19 Oct 13:49
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Release Note


  • Added support for Python 3.13, ensuring compatibility with the latest features and improvements.
  • Added mike package integration to mkdocs-material for documentation versioning. This allows users to access previous documentation alongside new changes, ensuring that legacy content remains intact for reference. Additionally, a new dev documentation has been introduced to showcase the current development of the package, including unreleased features and updates.


  • Updated documentation links from absolute to relative paths to prevent broken links and avoid redirecting users to incorrect documentation versions, ensuring consistent navigation throughout the docs.
  • Upgraded the download-artifact and cache actions to v4 in the publish-to-pypi.yml workflow.
  • Updated the deploy-docs.yml workflow to deploy both dev and versioned documentation using mike's CLI commands.


  • Fixed broken links to non-versioned documentation by adding a custom 404.html page to gh-pages, which redirects users to the first version of the documentation when no version is specified, or to a new custom 404 page with helpful suggestions.



09 Apr 22:20
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Release Note

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the base Event class due to improved event semantics and unnecessary redundancy.
  • Renamed the get_event_registry() method of EventLinker to get_registry().
  • Renamed the __event_registry inner property of EventLinker to __registry.
  • Renamed the get_events_by_handler() method of EventLinker to get_events_by_event_handler().
  • Renamed the get_handlers_by_events() method of EventLinker to get_event_handlers_by_events().
  • Renamed the protected method _executor_callback() of the ExecutorEventEmitter to _callback().
  • Renamed the task name of CeleryEventEmitter from _executor to pyventus_executor to avoid collisions with other task names.


  • Added __slots__ to EventLinkageWrapper class for more efficient memory usage.
  • Extended support for subscription and emission of any dataclass object, removing the limitation of only Event subclasses.
  • Added the force_async parameter to the EventHandler class and EventLinker subscription methods to be able to optimize the execution of sync callbacks based on their workload.
  • Introduced a new event semantic where the Python ... (Ellipsis) is now used to refer to all events on a subscription, like the onAny() method but with a Pythonic syntax.
  • Added the mkdocs-material social cards plugin, which provides a preview of the documentation content when shared on social media platforms.


  • Standardized the order of static methods, class methods, and instance methods for improved readability.
  • Applied Python best practices to optimize the methods within the EventLinker and EventEmitter classes.
  • Improved validation of variable instances in the event emitters, EventLinker, and EventHandler.
  • Updated and improved the test suite to ensure accurate validation and consistency.
  • Enabled creation date for the mkdocs git-revision-date-localized plugin.
  • Replaced the mkdocs git-authors plugin with the git-committers plugin.
  • Updated and improved the package description.
  • Updated the tutorial section to incorporate recent changes.
  • Enhanced the documentation index page and README file with new examples and better descriptions to showcase the unique features of Pyventus.


  • Removed the default value of the once flag in the EventHandler class.


  • Fixed and standardized all package docstrings and code comments for consistency and clarity.
  • Addressed minor errors and details in the documentation.



31 Jan 03:11
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Release Note


  • Optimized the size of the source distribution (sdist) build by including only essential files and directories, such
    as the /src and /tests directories, as well as the following files: .gitignore, pyproject.toml,
  • Refactored documentation dependencies into an optional dependency called docs.
  • Updated the deploy-docs.yml GitHub workflow to leverage the new optional dependency docs.
  • Updated the EventEmission class with the @final decorator from the typing module, indicating that it is meant for
    internal use only and should not be subclassed.


  • Addressed minor errors and details in the documentation.



06 Jan 07:50
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Release Note


  • Added FastAPIEventEmitter implementation to facilitate seamless integration with the FastAPI framework.
  • Added tests for FastAPIEventEmitter to validate its behavior and ensure proper operation.
  • Added documentation for FastAPIEventEmitter, including tutorials and API references.
  • Integrated the workflow to generate coverage badge and reports.
  • Included coverage badges on the main documentation page and the readme file.
  • Introduced permalinks within the documentation for easy navigation.


  • Updated pyproject.toml with the new optional dependency for FastAPI integration.


  • Addressed minor errors in the Pyventus documentation to improve accuracy and clarity.



29 Dec 19:29
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Release Note

Breaking Changes

  • Introduced EventEmission object to encapsulate the processing of event emissions. This changes the _execute() method of EventEmitter but provides a cleaner, more scalable, and efficient approach.
  • Renamed all debug flags from debug_mode to debug for enhanced clarity and consistency.
  • Renamed EventEmitter's _execute() method to _process() to better reflect its purpose of processing event emissions.


  • Added CeleryEventEmitter implementation to leverage the Celery distributed task queue for event handling.
  • Added tests for CeleryEventEmitter to validate its behavior and ensure proper operation.
  • Added documentation for CeleryEventEmitter, including tutorials and API references.


  • Restructured the documentation for event emitters tutorials and API references to improve organization and clarity.
  • Updated the page to include the Troubleshooting Hatch Environment Errors section.
  • Updated the EventEmitter API documentation to include the EventEmission class reference.
  • Updated pyproject.toml with the new optional dependency for Celery integration.
  • Updated mypy ignore flags to properly silence specific false positive error codes.


  • Addressed minor errors in the Pyventus documentation.



17 Dec 04:10
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Release Note


  • Updated docstring links throughout the package to refer to the official documentation.
  • Updated the RQEventEmitter API Reference and Tutorials docs to reflect the new optional import.


  • Resolved the issue where the RQEventEmitter class was automatically imported in the main package, requiring the installation of its optional dependency to use any of the package's core functionalities. It is now fully optional.
  • Fixed issues with invalid links in the documentation.



17 Dec 00:43
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Release Note


  • Introduced the publish to PyPI workflow, automating the uploading of package builds when new releases are created.
  • Added the mkdocs-git-authors plugin to display git authors of a markdown page in the documentation.
  • Added badges to the main page of the documentation as well as the readme file.
  • Added a code of conduct for the project, using the Contributor Covenant v2.1.
  • Included a CITATION.cff file to facilitate academic citations.


  • Renamed the tests.yml workflow to run-tests.yml.
  • Updated the deploy-docs.yml workflow with the mkdocs-git-authors plugin dependency.
  • Modified the mkdocs.yml config file by adding the site_url and site_author properties.
  • Updated the pyproject.toml file with the mkdocs-git-authors plugin dependency and python package keywords.


  • Fixed the python version in the deploy-docs.yml workflow.
  • Resolved issues with relative links in the documentation.



16 Dec 20:49
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Initial Implementation

  This release introduces Pyventus v0.1.0, a modern and robust Python package for event-driven programming. Pyventus provides developers with a comprehensive suite of tools and utilities to define, emit, and orchestrate events. It empowers developers to build scalable, extensible, and loosely-coupled event-driven applications.

  • Implementation Details: The first implementation includes all the core functionalities of the package, encompassing events, event linkers, event emitters, event handlers, and more.
  • Testing and Coverage: This release includes a test suite that verifies the correctness of the package implementation. It also integrates code coverage, achieving 100% test coverage. The tests are configured to run automatically via GitHub Actions on both push and pull requests to the master branch.
  • Formatter and Lint Configuration: A formatter and lint configuration have been added to the project. This ensures consistent code style, maintainability, and adherence to the established coding standards defined in the project documentation.
  • Documentation: Additionally, this release includes comprehensive documentation for the package. The documentation covers the main page, a detailed getting started guide, tutorials, API reference, and release notes.
