Mangesh Khandale -Engineering Manager FrontEnd
Amol Holani -Engineering Manager BackEnd
Tridip Rong -BackEnd Developer
Md Nasir Uddin -BackEnd Developer
Vishal Singh -BackEnd Developer
Pintu Gouda -FrontEnd Developer
Siva gurubilli -FrontEnd Developer
Clone Url :
- Open Project In Vs Code or Another ide
- Then Open Terminal
npm install
npm start
mvn build
mvn run
OR using Spring Boot Suite 4 ide
- Import Project In WorkSpace
- Right Click On Project
- Select Run As
- Select Spring Boot App
- We deployed the backend server on AWS Ubuntu Server
- Deployed service base url
- API Documentation With Requests Body : Notion Doc API Documentation
- We deployed the frontend on netlify
** Frontend and backend are deployed in different server so you have to give browser permission to this link to access the url.
- To give allowence You can follow this steps : Go to site settings => Go to additional settings => Insecure content => Allow to show insecure content => Add past the deployed link =>
- Sign-Up, Login & forgot password for both student and admin
- Student side dashboard
- Student side & admin side lectures page
- Lecture search for student and admin
- Create lecture, update lecture, copy lecture, delete lecture for admin
- Lecture Bookmark for student