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Lightweight F# ORM solution for Postgres. A .NET SDK tool that emits testable F# code with type safety.


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npgsql-generator is a dotnet SDK tool that mixes the best aspects of type providers, source generators and Dapper to provide a convenient, type safe and very fast ORM solution that is unit testable.

How it works

  1. You provide SQL queries in a Postgres flavoured .sql script file, each query is enriched with some further JSON metadata that gives more information to the generator about the query:
  "name": "GetUserByEmail",
  "isPrepared": false,
  "singleRow": true 
select id, first_name, last_name, slug
from cms.user
where email = @email;
  • since this is a valid .sql file, your favorite IDE can give you assistance in editing these files
  • there is no need to write the json metadata by hand, npgsql-generator can also generate that for you
  1. Then you run npgsql-generator tool which
  • infers the type and nullability of input and output parameters
  • based on preferences, generates corresponding anonymous, or non-anonymous records to read the output into
  • generates functions that execute the commands using plain, low level Npgsql code, without adding further dependencies. Basically does all the ceremony around Npgsql.

The generated code looks like this:

type IUserRepository =
    abstract member GetUserByEmail: conn: NpgsqlConnection -> email: string -> Task<{| Id: int; FirstName: string option; LastName: string option; Slug: string; |} option>

module UserRepository =

    let create () =
        { new IUserRepository with
            override this.GetUserByEmail (conn: NpgsqlConnection) (email: string) =
                use command = conn.CreateCommand()
                command.CommandText <- """select id, first_name, last_name, slug
            from cms.user
            where email = @email;"""
                    ParameterName = "email",
                    DataTypeName = "text",
                    Value = email
                |> ignore
                task {
                    use! reader = command.ExecuteReaderAsync()
                    let! rowRead = reader.ReadAsync()
                    if rowRead then
                        return Some({|
                            Id = reader.GetInt32(0)
                            FirstName =  
                                if reader.IsDBNull(1) then None
                                else Some(reader.GetString(1))
                            LastName =  
                                if reader.IsDBNull(2) then None
                                else Some(reader.GetString(2))
                            Slug = reader.GetString(3)
                        return None


    let instance = create ()


If you look closer, npgsql-generator highly resembles a type provider project, in fact, it was grown out of an existing type provider project: FSharp.Data.Npgsql. Quite some code, especially the inference was taken from there so FSharp.Data.Npgsql could be considered as the spiritual ancestor of npgsql-generator. (many thanks to its authors and contributors!)

Despite type providers being a brilliant idea in general as they give type safe data access that not many other solutions do, there were quite some lessons learnt while working with them. The most important one was how much perf overhead they impose on the IDE if you have a project of a certain size. npgsql-generator is trying to mitigate that overhead by sacrificing some developer convenience by moving the type generation to build time instead of design time while keeping the essence of type providers: type safety. This results in a bit less instant feedback loop that you are used to when using type providers but also results in a much more predictable IDE performance while editing F# code.

Additionally, you can get IDE help for the SQL itself which was not possible with type providers. You had to edit the SQL externally if you wanted IDE help and copy the final text to the F# codebase.

Apart from that, the generated code uses interfaces that your code can rely on so an additional benefit is a much less coupled code with data access layer, compared to type providers. Unit testing became possible!



Since it is an ordinary .NET SDK tool, it could be installed by typing:

> dotnet new tool-manifest # in case tool manifest is not yet added
> dotnet tool install npgsql-generator

...and that's it. Now the tool could be invoked by running dotnet npgsql-generator.

The tool has rich CLI interface with extensive help so in case not sure how to move forward, just add --help to the command or subcommand and the tool will print detailed usage information.


npgsql-generator operates with very similar concepts/terminology to traditional ORM solutions. It generates repositories. One repository is a set of operations that are related to the same database entity. For instance, UserRepository collects all the operations related to user table. DocumentRepository operates on table document and so on.

As the input for npgsql-generator, plain .sql files have to be provided. One sql file per repository. The name of the repository file has a special meaning. npgsql-generator derives the generated repository name and its container namespace from the file name therefore repository file names should follow this pattern:


For instance, the file name My.Favorite.Namespace.User.sql would result in a repository UserRepository in namespace My.Favorite.Namespace.

Repository file structure

As it was mentioned previously, the repository file is a plain sql file that an IDE is supposed to understand. There are some restrictions however. The repository file is a list of SQL queries, separated by the regular delimiter that postgres understands: ;. As a rule of thumb, you have to provide one query for each operation that you would like npgsql-generator to generate a function and input/output types for.

For instance:

  "name": "GetDocumentsByIds",
  "isPrepared": false,
  "singleRow": false
     , created
     , updated
     , type
FROM cms.document
WHERE id = ANY (@ids);

The anatomy of an operation

Each operation is preceded by a /* */ comment section and this comment section contains a small json object. This json contains some metadata about the operation. npgsql-generator can help in generating this json but otherwise it is also easy to just copy paste the json between queries.

The content of the json object:

  • name: name of the generated F# function
  • isPrepared: if true, npgsql-generator will generate a reusable prepared statement
  • singleRow: if true, the return type of the generated function will be 'a option and not 'a seq. So set it to true if the operation is expected to return at most one row.

Right after the metadata section comes the SQL query itself. The syntax of the query follows postgres sql syntax with one difference: it is possible to provide parameters using @ character, like @ids in the above example. Basically, the syntax for the query is the same as NpgslCommand.CommandText property as the query is literally being passed to it eventually.

Generating code

Once the repository file is ready, it's time to generate code.

Let's say the GetDocumentsByIds operation in the above example is saved to a file called Cms.Repositories.Document.sql then the generator should be invoked like that:

dotnet npgsql-generator generate all -c "Host=localhost;UserName=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=cms" Cms.Repositories.Document.sql

And it will generate an F# file that could be included in an F# project right away:


The file contains the F# version of the repository.


In case npgsql-generator generate was invoked with a subcommand all or types, npgsql-generator will generate another file. In the above example, the file would be called Db.g.fs. GetDocumentsByIds contains an enum like value in the select list: type. It has type document_type in the database:

create type document_type as enum ('news', 'news_category', 'event', 'product', 'brand', 'knowledge_base_article', 'knowledge_base_category', 'gallery');

npgsql-generator infers and reads user defined enums from the database and generates strongly typed access even for document_type.

Db.g.fs file contains the generated code for handling those types:

namespace Db.Types

/// document_type
type DocumentType =
    /// event
    | Event
    /// product
    | Product
    /// brand
    | Brand
    /// knowledge_base_article
    | KnowledgeBaseArticle
    /// knowledge_base_category
    | KnowledgeBaseCategory
    /// gallery
    | Gallery
    /// page
    | Page
    /// news
    | News
    /// news_category
    | NewsCategory

...auxiliary functions that convert the database enum value to f# union

Available commands and configuration options

There are 3 main commands that the tool supports: create-repository, create-command and generate.


This command could be used to create a new repository file:

> dotnet npgsql-generator create-repository --namespace Foo.Bar --output Out Baz

This will create a new repository with name Baz in namespace Foo.Bar and place it to Out directory.

The below flags could be omitted:

  • --namespace flag, and the generated namespace will be Global
  • --output flag, and the generated code will be placed in the current directory


This command could be used to add a new operation to an existing repository file:

> dotnet npgsql-generator create-command --repository Foo.Bar.Baz.sql MyFavoriteCommand

This will append a new command with name MyFavoriteCommand to repository Foo.Bar.Baz.sql.

Optionally, these flags are supported:

  • --prepared flag to generate a prepared command
  • --single-row flag to generate a command that returns a single row


generate accepts one of 3 possible subcommands: types, repositories or all. types will generate only the auxiliary file that makes it possible to operate with user defined enums. repositories will generate the repository files. all will generate both. It was necessary to have the 3 options because You may want to generate types and repositories differently.

Each subcommand support a different set of options, for further reference, please use:

> dotnet npgsql-generator generate <command> --help

Here is an example invocation:

> dotnet npgsql-generator generate all --connection-string "Host=localhost;UserName=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=cms" \
 Foo.Bar.Repository1.sql \
 Foo.Bar.Repository2.sql \

This command will generate the repository files for Foo.Bar.Repository1-2-3.sql definitions using the provided connection string.

It accepts a few further optional flags:

  • --udf-namespace: the namespace to put the enum types into
  • --output-path: where to place the generated files
  • --top-level-connections: normally each operation accepts an NpgsqlConnection parameter in the generated code. If this flag has been set, the generated Repository will accept the connection and not the individual operations. (= the generated interfaces are 100% decoupled from even Npgsql)
  • --record-return-types: normally each operation will return an anonymous record. If this flag has been set, non-anonymous records will be generated.

Comparison with other solutions

From the below comparison, it clearly stands out that most of the statements could be seen both as positive or negative thing so whether npgsql-generator is for you highly depends on your preference and the type of your project.

Type providers

  • unlike with type providers, you get IDE help, code completions when writing SQL since you are actually editing a Sql script
  • the generated code is plain Npgsql code which everyone is familiar with, there is no hidden dll somewhere on your computer
  • you can debug the generated code
  • scales better on larger projects: in fact, the schema in the database changes very rarely, there is no need to constantly do roundtrips between the language server and the database to determine changes. However, on smaller projects, the ceremony that is required to set up npgsql-generator might be more than setting up a type provider.
  • your code is much less coupled with db code, the npgsql-generator generates interfaces that your code can depend on
  • unit testing is possible
  • it's not necessary to have a running postgres database on your CI if You don't want
  • no runtime dependency, only Npgsql, and you are in charge for providing it

EF and traditional ORM frameworks

  • with npgsql-generator you are in full control while traditional ORM solutions remove a lot of burden from you in exchange for some additional overhead (this could be seen both as a negative or positive thing)
  • compared with code-first and database-first approaches, npgsql-generator sits in between as you are responsible for shaping your database schema (similar to database-first) but also you are guarded by type safety (similar to code-first)
  • EF supports multiple database platforms while npgsql-generator does not and that is unlikely to change
  • Entity Framework and traditional ORM frameworks could be heavy and add quite some overhead due to internal synchronization and state management while npgsql-generator imposes no overhead at all compared to a situation where you write Your own Npgsql code manually


  • npgsql-generator generates type safe code, schema changes in the database are automatically picked up. You are alone when using Dapper in this case
  • Dapper is more flexible, it supports dynamic queries while npgsql-generator does not. However, Dapper and npgsql-generator can coexist in the same project and you can rely on Dapper for dynamic queries and on npgsql-generator for non dynamic ones
  • Dapper supports multiple database platforms while npgsql-generator does not and that is unlikely to change

Further considerations

  • This readme uses simple examples to showcase the possibilities of the tool so the example SQL queries are using a single table. In fact, the tool is not limiting in the complexity of the query at all, so it is absolutely possible to use recursion, common table expressions and joins. Basically anything that is possible within Postgres
  • In the concepts section, the concept of a repository being a set of operations that relate to a single table is just a recommendation. The npgsql-generator doesn't do any enforcement of these concepts. It is absolutely possible to have one operation to operate on multiple tables and multiple operations within the same repository to operate on different tables.