This is a database of all currencies utilized by all countries in the world. The currencies follow ISO 4217 standard and countries follow ISO 3166 standard. All data were extracted from ISO Organization.
This database contains three tables: currency, country, country_has_currency. Each one of those tables is described in the sections below.
Field name | Field Type | Description |
id_iso4217 |
INT(11) | The unique identifier used by ISO 4217. |
code_iso4217 |
VARCHAR(3) | The alphabetic code representation for currency. |
symbol |
VARCHAR(16) | The symbol representation for currency. |
name |
VARCHAR(255) | The currency name. |
obsolete |
BIT(1) | The indicator to currency obsolete. Default 0 for non-obsolete and 1 to obsolete. |
Field name | Field Type | Description |
id_iso3166 |
INT(11) | The unique identifier used by ISO 3166. |
name |
VARCHAR(255) | The country name |
code_alpha2 |
VARCHAR(2) | The alpha-2 code. |
code_alpha3 |
VARCHAR(3) | The alpha-3 code. |
Field name | Field Type | Description |
country_id_iso3166 |
INT(11) | The foreign key for the country. |
currency_id_iso4217 |
INT(11) | The foreign key for the currency. |
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Make sure you have MySQL Community Server 5.7 installed in your development environment.
git clone
create database your_dabase_name character set UTF8;
Just execute the following script.
Execute scripts in the following order.