Experimental UWP implementation for popular CocosSharp gamedev "engine".
I forked this Andy's CocosSharp-uwp-fork project.
This is draft only. UWP Library seems to be not completed. No samples... only 1 test project... so.. as is.
- "CocosSharp Engine"-based XBOX UWP apps
- "CocosSharp Engine"-based ARM64 UWP apps, and even ARM32... hehe (hello from W10M))
- /Src/CocosSharp.UWP.sln - CocosSharp.UWP "framework" solution;
- /Src/Tests/CocosSharp.Tests.WindowsUWP.sln - Demo "test app" :)
- Min. win os build switched to 15063;
- Target ARM tested a little, and Win x64 too.
Experimenting with a specific UWP "target" for CocosSharp, and have some thoughts:
UWP can support .NET Standard from 1.4 to 2.0. Is it worth restricting core components to 1.4 for some time just for that?
CocosSharp.UWP + Xamarin Forms = ?
What if I use/RnD SkiaSharp instead of CocosSharp... idk ^ ^
Full Xamarin Forms support (Android, iOS, and UWP "family")
- Andy9FromSpace's GitHub
- Andy's CocosSharp fork
- mono/CocosSharp, Archive
- Social.Msdn.Microsoft.Com Discussion
AS IS. No support. RnD only.
[m][e] 2022, October