I have not any Fitbit (Flex or similar) device. But... I'm interested in cool Fitbit "Cloud infrastructure" such as dev.fitbit.com... ;)
I have Microsoft Band 2. And I know that MS Health "cloud service" completly damaged. My idea: synthez [MS]Band2 "front-end" with Fit[B]it "backend".
So, wouldn't it be cool to have the band's steps sync into the Fitbit service on MS Band? :)
If you want to try this out or rip parts of it out, just make sure you register with Fitbit as a developer and have your Client ID and Client Secret handy.
- UWP "app class" used.
- Min. os. win. switched to 14393. So, potential W10M compatibility persists but not tested yet.
- Fitbit dev portal https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/ Fitbit Web API
- https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/activity/get-daily-activity-summary/ How to retrieve a summary of the user's activity for a specific date (January, 10 2025 hardcoded by me)))
- https://github.com/Fitbit/sdk-oauth How to add your own "credentials"
AS IS. No support. Proto only. DIY.
January, 10 2025