"TodoistX" is planned as lite version of Todoist app for Windows 10 Mobile Lumia fans. =)
- Platforms: UWP, Android (Xamarin Forms used)
- Targets: ARM, x64
- OSes: Windows 10/11, Windows 10 Mobile (os build: 10240 or above); Android
- Dev. Status: Prototype / Alpha version
- Sync API updated to v9
- "Astoria" compatibility added (os build 10240)
Register your dev account here https://developer.todoist.com/, create TodoistX app and get test token.
Find App.xaml.cs and paste this test token here (instead of xxxxxxx):
var d = new AppSetting()
AppName = "TodoistX",
Author = " Media Explorer",
AuthKey = "xxxxxxx"
- Use the modern Todoist.Net library to extend functionality of my proto.
- The library is available as a Nuget package.
With token (preferred way).
ITodoistClient client = new TodoistClient("API token");
With email and password.
ITodoistTokenlessClient tokenlessClient = new TodoistTokenlessClient();
ITodoistClient client = await tokenlessClient.LoginAsync("email", "password");
Implementation of the Quick Add Task available in the official clients.
var quickAddItem = new QuickAddItem("Task title @Label1 #Project1 +ExampleUser");
var task = await client.Items.QuickAddAsync(quickAddItem);
// Get all resources (labels, projects, tasks, notes etc.).
var resources = await client.GetResourcesAsync();
// Get only projects and labels.
var projectsAndLabels = await client.GetResourcesAsync(ResourceType.Projects, ResourceType.Labels);
// Get only projects.
var projectsOnly = await client.GetResourcesAsync(ResourceType.Projects);
// Alternatively you can use this API to get projects.
var projects = await client.Projects.GetAsync();
// Add a task with a note.
var taskId = await client.Items.AddAsync(new Item("New task"));
await client.Notes.AddToItemAsync(new Note("Task description"), taskId);
Batching: reading and writing of multiple resources can be done in a single HTTP request.
Add a new project, task and note in one request.
// Create a new transaction.
var transaction = client.CreateTransaction();
// These requests are queued and will be executed later.
var projectId = await transaction.Project.AddAsync(new Project("New project"));
var taskId = await transaction.Items.AddAsync(new Item("New task", projectId));
await transaction.Notes.AddToItemAsync(new Note("Task description"), taskId);
// Execute all the requests in the transaction in a single HTTP request.
await transaction.CommitAsync();
- A Todoist.Net library for .NET
- A Todoist Sync API v9
AS IS. No support. RnD only.
-- [m][e] 2022