Sparrow is a Scala library for converting Spark Dataframe rows to case classes.
The project is still in an experimental state and the API is subject to change without concerns about backward compatibility.
This library requires Spark 1.3+.
- Fields of type
is not supported. - Custom wrapper fields types is not supported.
- Conversion of certain other field types are not supported.
See the CodecLimitationsTest for details.
The best way to get started at this point is to read the API docs and look at the examples in the tests.
To use the libray in an SBT project add the following two project settings:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("ypg-data", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.mediative" %% "sparrow" % "0.2.0"
This library is built with SBT, which needs to be installed. To run the tests and build a JAR run the following commands from the project root:
$ sbt test
$ sbt package
To build a package for Scala 2.11 run the following command:
$ sbt ++2.11.7 test package
See for how to contribute.
To release version x.y.z
$ sbt release -Dversion=x.y.z
This will take care of running tests, tagging and publishing JARs and API docs for both version 2.10 and 2.11. To publish the Spark package run:
$ sbt core/spPublish
$ sbt ++2.11.7 core/spPublish
The above requires that ~/.credentials/
exists with
the following content:
realm=Spark Packages
# Generate token at
If you see the following error go to and login to grant access to your GitHub account:
/opt/sparrow#master > sbt core/spPublish
Zip File created at: /opt/sparrow/core/target/
ERROR: 404 - Error while accessing commit on Github. Are you sure that you pushed your local commit to the remote repository?
Copyright 2016 Mediative
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file for terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution.