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With the Mainzelliste UI your can easily manage your patient list, creating new ID, editing patient fields or deleting patient.

Mainzelliste UI Screenshot

Installation Guidelines

How to configure

Most of the configuration can be set using docker environment variables

Docker compose environment Variables

the docker image of the ui uses several environment variables :

Environment Variable Description Required ? Default Value
MAINZELLISTE_URL the mainzelliste backend url Yes -
ML_UI_MAIN_ID_TYPE default selected ID in create new patient page no the backend default id type (is the first id type in the mainzelliste idgenerators configutation)
ML_UI_SHOW_ALL_IDS show all id in patient list view no false
ML_UI_DEBUG_MODE activate debug mode will initialize the patient list view with dummy data no false
KEYCLOAK_URL Keycloak base url Yes -

Version Compatibility

Choosing the right version of the Mainzelliste backend.

Mainzelliste-UI Mainzelliste (backend)
0.0.4 (Beta) 12.x
0.0.5 (development) 13.x (development)

Running on Linux

  1. copy the file .env.default to .env and set the environment variable HOST to the server name or ip address.
  2. set your server name or ip address ({HOST}) in keyclok configuration
chmod u+x
./ {HOST}
  1. run docker-compose up -d

Running in production mode behind a reverse proxy

Adjust your docker compose file, depending on the configuration of the reverse proxy:

  1. in keycloak service:
    1. change the command to command: ["start"]
    2. replace the environment variable KC_HOSTNAME_URL with :
      KC_PROXY: edge
      KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH: /keycloak
  1. in mainzelliste service:
    1. adjust both env. variables ML_ALLOWED_ORIGINS and ML_OIDC_ISS
  2. in mainzelliste-gui service:
    1. adjust both env. variables KEYCLOAK_URL and MAINZELLISTE_URL

Override the default configuration file

For more configuration your can override the default configuration file using the docker secret mainzelliste-gui.docker.conf

    - mainzelliste-gui.docker.conf
    file: ./configs/mainzelliste-gui.docker.conf

Developer Guide

Running locally

  1. Run npm install -g @angular/cli and npm install in the terminal in your project directory.
  2. copy the file .env.default to .env and set the environment variable HOST to localhost.
  3. (optional) populate the mainzelliste database with 100k patients ./
    Note: ./rousource/demodata.sql contains identifying demographic data set compiled from a lists of first and last names provided by Eli Finer in Gist, randomly generated birthdate and german city and zip codes.
  4. docker-compose up mainzelliste mainzelliste-db keycloak keycloak-db -d
  5. create a configuration file src/assets/config/config.json and fill the content with the following code:
  "patientLists": [
      "url": "http://localhost:8080",
      "oAuthConfig": {
        "url": "http://localhost:8082",
        "realm": "mainzelliste",
        "clientId": "mainzelliste-ui"
      "mainIdType": "pid",
      "showAllIds": false,
      "fields": [
         { "i18n": "first_name_text", "name": "Vorname", "mainzellisteField": "vorname", "semantic": "firstname"},
         { "i18n": "last_name_text", "name": "Nachname", "mainzellisteField": "nachname", "semantic": "lastname"},
         { "i18n": "birth_name_text", "name": "Geburtsname", "mainzellisteField": "geburtsname", "semantic": "birthName"},
         { "i18n": "birth_date_text", "name": "Geburtdatum", "mainzellisteFields": ["geburtstag", "geburtsmonat", "geburtsjahr"], "semantic": "undefined"},
         { "i18n": "residence_text", "name": "Wohnort", "mainzellisteField": "ort", "semantic": "postalCode"},
         { "i18n": "zip_code_text", "name": "PLZ", "mainzellisteField": "plz", "semantic": "city"}
      "debug": false,
      "betaFeatures": {
        "consent": false,
        "copyConcatenatedId": false,
        "copyId": true,
        "configuration": true,
        "showDomainsInIDCard": false
  1. Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
  2. You can now login with an admin user username:admin and password:demo or with other user e.g study nurse username: study-nurse and password:demo with restricted privileges

Setup keycloak configuration manually

  1. Create new realm mainzelliste
    1. go to tab General and set Html display name: <div class="kc-logo-text"><span></span></div>
    2. go to tab Themes and choose login theme mainzelliste
  2. Create new client mainzelliste-ui
    1. set Root URL, Home URL and Web origins to http://localhost
    2. set valid redirect URI and valid post logout redirect URI to http://localhost/*
    3. go to Login Setting and select mainzelliste as Login theme
  3. Create two roles:
    1. go to Clients in the menu
    2. open mainzelliste-ui from the list
    3. go to tab Roles and create two roles admin and study-nurse
  4. Create Role Mapper:
    1. go to Client scopes in the menu
    2. open roles from the list
    3. got to tab Mappers
    4. Add new Mapper "by configuration" and choose User Client Role from the table
      1. set Name to e.g User Client Role (Mainzelliste)
      2. set Token Claim Name to roles
      3. Toggle the Add to userinfo switch to on
  5. Create default new user for demo:
    1. go to Users in the menu
    2. add new user
    3. go to tab Credentials and add password
    4. go to tab Role Mapping and assign a Role:
      1. Filter the list by clients
      2. Select admin role and click assign

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Angular Project

Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Docker Image

docker build -t medicalinformatics/mainzelliste-gui:develop .

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Export Keycloak Configuration

In order to export realm configuration including all users to one file, just run "bash" in keycloak container and execute the following command:

./opt/keycloak/bin/ export --file ~/mainzelliste-realm.json --users realm_file --realm mainzelliste

Now you can just copy the file to the resource order "resources/keycloak/import/"

docker cp {keycloak-container-id}:/opt/keycloak/mainzelliste-realm.json ./resources/keycloak/import/

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


Copyright 2021 - 2023 Federated Information Systems Team from DKFZ Heidelberg

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.