COVID tracker app developed in react native.
👉 1. Global Stats
👉 2. Country Stats
👉 3: Modern UI 🎇
👉 4: Icon Use
👉 5: Navigation in React Native
👉 6: Drawer Screens
👉 7: API data fetching
Basic procedure to start with React native is to open the website " " and start coding there (copy my code from APP.JS and add dependencies from snack warnings )
second method is to code with EXPO CLI to write some code in react native SO ,
what you have to do is to install the following
⚡ 1: VS code
⚡ 2: NODE LTS 12 (install node.js from official website)
⚡ 3: run this command in VSCode terminal "npm install -g expo-cli"
⚡ 4: the following commands to create and run the project
- "expo init AwesomeProject"
- "cd AwesomeProject"
- "npm start"
⚡ 5: Install EXPO application from playstore or Appstore and scan QR code generated on terminal of VSCode or in your web browser (after starting your application)
Congratulations you are read to write code in react native
⚡ NOW , copy my code from APP.js file
save the project your app will run on your mobile
👉 You can also follow my GitHub Profile to stay updated about my latest projects:
Copyright (c) 2020 Shahmeer Khan