I really got so many great ideas from web articles, some of them changed the trajectory of my timeline. And some of them I forgot, and for them, I created this repo so I will have a chance to reread them more times.
I will provide links to videos that I believe are great because I have read their transcripts. If a brilliant mind does not write, watch their video or listen to their podcast.
The best way to memorize is to repeatedly read them.
book: Four Thousand Weeks
book: Programmer Brain
https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/guide-how-to-update-to-ios-15-7-2-for-iphone-8-x-xr-xs-11-se2-12-13-se3.2373742/ thanks this article, iOS 15.7.2, i did it
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/m9O0lIGMhmVraBcxZwzRBw Tesla people in Chinese, talk
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ctW_LjGQms_kUMfheM4dnQ XiaoLai's reading, I still don't have the economic foundation to read English e-books (an excuse)
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RcWZ9_cG3jF94m3QQ7jqrA One of Maozhu 's trips looks cozy compared to previous
https://www.cold-takes.com/all-possible-views-about-humanitys-future-are-wild/ , remind me of "if the future is infinite, then any time is the very beginning"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox#Hypothetical_explanations_for_the_paradox , knowing more about the fermi paradox now
https://lizengland.com/blog/2014/04/the-door-problem/ , that's why it is called game industry, like movies, I don't know if software development nowadays is behind it or ahead of it
https://www.cold-takes.com/the-most-important-century-in-a-nutshell/ , yet another cold-takes article, a great one
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/NBDFAKt3GbFwnwzQF/p/PBRWb2Em5SNeWYwwB , "The unexamined life is not worth living", like the footer 1 of this article
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/NBDFAKt3GbFwnwzQF/p/5JDkW4MYXit2CquLs , a good example of when not to believe
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/NBDFAKt3GbFwnwzQF/p/wCqfCLs8z5Qw4GbKS , do big thing, make big mistake
instead of do small things, make small mistakes
https://githubnext.com/projects/hey-github/ , write code with mouth
https://blocks.githubnext.com/ , README 2.0, doubt about the complexity it will bring
https://codescene.com/engineering-blog/refactoring-components-in-react-with-custom-hooks , it's the article that makes me understand how to extract a custom hook
https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2023/01/weekly-issue-239.html , weekly routine
https://www.cold-takes.com/this-cant-go-on/ , the possible growth
https://www.cold-takes.com/the-most-important-century-in-a-nutshell/ , more resources, more ideas
, it should be
https://www.rd.com/article/the-night-i-met-einstein/ , always grows from seed
https://www.cold-takes.com/the-duplicator/ , training ai is a training model, and so is raising children
https://sive.rs/1s , write sentences, edit paragraphs, post article
https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/systemd-by-example-part-1-minimization/ , a simple and nice article about systemd
https://letterstoanewdeveloper.com/2023/01/09/how-i-got-into-software/ , a great example of the benefit of programming
https://blog.steatoda.com/stop-promoting-programmers , be a programmer before and after retirement, why not
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle , known about Peter principle
https://blog.steatoda.com/simple-technologies-dont-scale , funny about the cycle of technology
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/11/05/criticizing-computers.html , a nice pessimistic article, but it's not the end of the world, just look at natural selection, the computer industry is fine
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/08/03/lindy-structures.html , lindy structure is a good answer to the above article
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/08/10/the-role-of-the-writer.html , writing is the re-cache of knowledge
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/03/23/elena-ferrante.html , still hesitate to read fiction, but I will try to read more in 2023
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/07/27/the-annals-of-progress.html , the evolution of the thought toward the future
https://annasofia.xyz/2022/03/07/douglass-north.html , the evolution of the economy
https://annasofia.xyz/archives/ , also read the other articles from this blog
https://wakeless.net/posts/the-full-stack , more than the stack, everything is a stack
https://blog.steatoda.com/rolling-release-api , v1/v2 stuff bring duplicate code
https://blog.steatoda.com/native-code-is-slow , the wave of containerization is not over, it's just the beginning
https://milkyeggs.com/?p=303 , it's easy to understand, a programmer now can be a programmer or a leader of ai programmers
https://davidamos.dev/never-modify-inputs-without-permission , remind me again of the importance of immutability
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34421594 , nice talk about TikTok
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6ZR3FApKswGnN-daUWImYQ , a great article about the Chinese population
https://www.cold-takes.com/transformative-ai-timelines-part-1-of-4-what-kind-of-ai/ , now it's possible to train the whole human civilization with ai, like the example of "Cause scientific and technological advancement."
http://paulgraham.com/words.html , read it again, that's why self-machines like a blog, flomo, ai, etc. are so important
https://seb.jambor.dev/posts/systemd-by-example-part-2-dependencies/ , known as the dependency part of systemd
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/gFvira6tHpLXnqCLH/p/TGux5Fhcd7GmTfNGC , the real reason is 'invisible to the eye'
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/gFvira6tHpLXnqCLH/p/2MD3NMLBPCqPfnfre , remind me of Elon's cache sentences
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/gFvira6tHpLXnqCLH/p/dLJv2CoRCgeC2mPgj , fix my wrong view of the 'gray field'
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/gFvira6tHpLXnqCLH/p/rmAbiEKQDpDnZzcRf , a real-world example is always more absurd
https://fs.blog/why-life-cant-be-simpler , reflection on simplicity, WET(Write Everything Twice) is not a bad thing
https://fs.blog/spiral-of-silence/ , 'spiral of silence', good name
https://www.theverge.com/23551060/elon-musk-twitter-takeover-layoffs-workplace-salute-emoji , read it though don't like it, it's 'hardcore' in a wrong way
https://slate.com/technology/2023/01/wikipedia-redesign-vector-2022-skin.html , always like the no-design design of Wikipedia
https://www.simplethread.com/20-things-ive-learned-in-my-20-years-as-a-software-engineer/ , a normal article about advice for the programmer
https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/01/wolframalpha-as-the-way-to-bring-computational-knowledge-superpowers-to-chatgpt/ , funny article, but the solution should not add another model, it adds another layer, in other words, a bigger model
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zu-D1M5kg3Pt4KmSlNT5Vg , lightory's 2022 year review, like his writing style
https://www.simplethread.com/relational-databases-arent-dinosaurs-theyre-sharks/ , the idea of 'shark' or 'dinosaur' is great
https://fs.blog/twenty-five-pages-a-day/ , a nice strategy to read more, to me, it's time to read when I have time to think about whether read or not
https://fs.blog/the-antilibrary/ , anti-library, what a great concept
https://fs.blog/the-buffett-formula/ , amazing article, "I don’t know anyone wise who doesn’t read a lot"
https://tegowerk.eu/posts/cruel-optimism/ , 'cruel optimism' and 'lazy optimism' is also two good concepts, like 'Pessimists are right, optimists succeed'
https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/parents-saying-no-sleepovers-tiktok-controversy/672821/ , 'Sleepovers let kids get a slimpse of how other families live their lives'
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/6xgy8XYEisLk3tCjH/p/nj8JKFoLSMEmD3RGp , 99% right need 34 evidence
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/6xgy8XYEisLk3tCjH/p/XTXWPQSEgoMkAupKt , nice article about the Bayes' Rule, "10000 women" and "bus driver's age" are good examples
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/paoDwasxFpSpzwA2f/p/WBdvyyHLdxZSAMmoz , "see whether you can think without using those terms at all"
https://every.to/divinations/instagram-cant-recreate-tiktoks-magic-884063 , great article about TikTok's 'show the world' culture
https://twitter.com/MatthewJBar/status/1618811583748268033 , awsome thread showing the problems that GDP measures the level of development when I know second-hand trade is not included in GDP, I know there must be something wrong if GDP is the only indicator of development
https://www.worksinprogress.co/issue/there-was-no-great-stagnation/ , more details about the above idea
https://neckar.substack.com/p/the-reading-obsession , a great article to read along with 'the-Buffett-formula' above
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dkchEFnM9EYpW3bjK/why-and-how-to-graduate-early-u-s , some tips about how to graduate early, too late for me though
https://davidamos.dev/my-goldilocks-python-set-up/ , known the modern python setup
https://www.ft.com/content/9d84d534-b2dd-4cff-85d1-aee137b26a45 , TwitterPay
https://sebastiancarlos.com/react-js-best-practices-from-the-new-docs-1c65570e785d , an amazing article talking about React new docs
https://mindingourway.com/half-assing-it-with-everything-youve-got/ , 'If you're trying to do something, then do it with minimum effort. Anything else is wasted motion.'
https://mindingourway.com/failing-with-abandon/ , don't see give up
as a failure, it is also closer to the good side of try
https://www.fastcompany.com/90841814/ditching-gmail-for-37signals-hey-email , a user story of 'Hey' email
https://zura.wiki/post/manners-in-the-chinese-workplace/ , so interesting to read it as a Chinese
https://zura.wiki/post/dictionary/ , Ta is serious about these words
https://event-driven.io/en/agile_vs_introverts/ , great article as I'm an introvert coder
https://thakkarparth007.github.io/copilot-explorer/posts/copilot-internals#question-1-how-is-the-40-number-measured , kind of amazing, at least, now I know how GitHub Copilot works, although still can't live without it
https://basecamp.com/shapeup/1.1-chapter-02 , always like this calendar example
https://basecamp.com/shapeup/1.2-chapter-03 , the idea of 'appetite', is such a great metaphor
https://basecamp.com/shapeup/2.1-chapter-07 , important questions are worth asking twice.
https://basecamp.com/shapeup/2.2-chapter-08 , the idea of 'cool-down/clean-up' is also great, cool-down for two weeks, why not
https://www.outsystems.com/blog/posts/people-who-are-serious-about-programming/ , use native language to write a native app
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/02/05/world/asia/china-obits-covid.html , it's a shame that our media can't make such a report
https://mindingourway.com/youre-allowed-to-fight-for-something/ , "You're allowed to reject arbitrarily good amounts of faked pleasure-experience to avoid bad real-world outcomes."
https://mindingourway.com/should-considered-harmful/ , 'should' assumes that there are only bad or worse options
https://mindingourway.com/shoulds-are-not-a-duty/ , 'but as an honor'
https://mindingourway.com/stop-before-you-drop/ , 'The goal is not to maximize how much work you get done today. The goal is to maximize your productivity over time
https://mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ , 'rest and health are just two of the unending streams that you move through
https://mindingourway.com/being-unable-to-despair/ , it's ok to be afraid of this world
https://acko.net/blog/get-in-zoomer-we-re-saving-react/ , common old days developer's honor
https://mindingourway.com/have-no-excuses/ , "you won't be measured by how good your excuses were"
https://mindingourway.com/come-to-your-terms/ , when it comes to big problems, be extremely transparent
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/why-react-isnt-dying , 'frame independent library'
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/type-safe-react-query , always get to the point
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/2022-in-review , 🎉
https://www.swyx.io/create-luck , finally read the original article about 'LSA', also known as 'Do and Tell'
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/opinion/cystic-fibrosis-treatment.html , reminds me of "live like you are going to die tomorrow, learn like you are going to live forever", but a realist version
https://alexkondov.com/i-am-building-something/ , fantastic idea, a moment app for writing
https://alexkondov.com/2022-year-in-review/ , very impressive, give me some inspiration about how to live my 20s
https://www.electronjs.org/blog/a-quiet-place-22 , the idea of a 'quiet month'
https://davidamos.dev/email/b4a3476b-3737-4a30-afb7-4d687a55f829/ , reminds me of the importance to learn more strange languages like some DSLs
https://alexkondov.com/accumulating-unintentional-tech-debt/ , "you could accumulate tech debt even if you don’t do anything", a sobering example
https://alexkondov.com/things-i-have-learned-about-interviewing/ , you can find a job without LeetCode (but not with nothing)
https://alexkondov.com/2021-year-in-review/ , do more, one step further
https://alexkondov.com/the-perfect-system-doesnt-exist/ , make perfect system is like Sisyphus
https://alexkondov.com/migrating-legacy-monoliths-with-graphql/ , a cool example of migration with GraphQL
https://alexkondov.com/the-monopoly-on-business-understanding/ , engineers should know more than just code
https://alexkondov.com/one-line-of-code/ , that's the same feeling when I saw functional programming
https://alexkondov.com/what-startups-taught-me-about-writing/ , how 'Tao of React' started
https://alexkondov.com/lodash-architecture-review/ , 'duplicate code is cheaper than add another layer'
https://alexkondov.com/2020-year-in-review/ , I saw 2021 and 2022, so I know how it would end, and now I know how it started, things just happen
https://alexkondov.com/comments-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/ , JSON.decode(JSON.encode(response))
is a good example of when should use comments, or make it a function and give it a name
https://alexkondov.com/encapsulate-what-varies/ , isolate the things that change, like API response
https://alexkondov.com/what-is-bikeshedding/ , now I know that 'bikeshedding' is called 'bikeshedding'
https://alexkondov.com/how-good-is-typescript/ , things I already know, but glad to read others' opinion
https://matklad.github.io/2020/09/13/your-language-sucks.html , interesting language comparison
https://matklad.github.io/2020/08/11/things-I-have-learned-about-life.html , "if it’s OK to love both your kids, than it should be OK to love both your partners, right?"
https://mindingourway.com/transmute-guilt-i/ , "Guilt was made for us, not us for it"
https://mindingourway.com/there-is-no-try/ , when you say 'try', failure is the second option, replace it with 'next step(s)', failure is at 4th or more depending on how many steps you have
https://www.ejorgenson.com/blog/lifetime-of-expenses , interesting conclusion
https://mindingourway.com/the-art-of-response/ , "get to a solution before self-doubt creeps in"
https://mindingourway.com/desperation/ , desperation is a tool to avoid wasting self potential
https://mindingourway.com/recklessness/ , "Try not to break anything vital, but if you do, fix it and keep moving."
https://mindingourway.com/defiance/ , "fuck these mortal constraints, I'm fixing things."
https://mindingourway.com/self-signaling-the-ability-to-do-what-you-want/ , "Two bites left? Screw it, get me a take-out box.", "A problem isn't solved until it's solved automatically, without need for attention or willpower."
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/paoDwasxFpSpzwA2f/p/kpRSCH7ALLcb6ucWM , fix my obsession with complexity
http://jlord.us/essential-electron/ , a good introduction to Electron
http://paulgraham.com/artistsship.html , programmers are willing to pay if they can publish their work instantly instead of waiting for approval
https://www.topspeed.com/why-the-tesla-cybertruck-doesnt-deserve-all-the-hate-it-gets/ , quite detailed article of Cybertruck
https://www.amitmerchant.com/put-the-secondary-sidebar-of-vs-code-to-good-use/ , looks nice to put outline in another sidebar
https://ark-invest.com/home-thank-you-big-ideas-2023 , amazing ppts to show the progress of humanity
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2023/01/key-good-component-design-selfishness/ , very good article about a right mindset of component design, what really should a button, a header, a footer do, etc.
https://davidamos.dev/chatgpt-is-an-extra-ordinary-python-programmer/ , great usage of ChatGPT to write program, just like writing an essay, let ChatGPT fill the outline
https://fs.blog/knowledge-project-podcast/kunal-shah/ , the insight of Indian society is interesting
https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/chatgpt-is-a-blurry-jpeg-of-the-web , great idea to compare ChatGPT with the printer
https://www.benkuhn.net/abyss/ , when to quit, quit quickly
https://world.hey.com/dhh/inspiration-is-perishable-f2c8652e , read it long time ago, it affects me a lot
https://stratechery.com/2023/from-bing-to-sydney-search-as-distraction-sentient-ai/ , like a science fiction
https://arc.net/e/D25B2EEA-7506-4850-A169-3B2A00802889 , "What if the best tab is the one you never create?", of course, of course, my Arc
https://neugierig.org/software/blog/2022/12/chrome.html , meaningful article about how Chrome started
https://neugierig.org/software/blog/2022/10/blog-software.html , write a blog generator, why not
https://www.neugierig.org/software/blog/2022/12/simple-web-hacks.html , a reasonable setup for 10 year project
https://www.historydefined.net/sleeping-8-hours-per-night-is-a-surprisingly-new-concept/ , view sleep without opinion
https://fs.blog/the-human-mind-has-a-shut-off-device/ , "Once you’ve formed a belief, adding exceptions and justifications becomes easier than updating it." same as "normal people believe the idea that comes last"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate , the answers of human being
https://sive.rs/hyn , "If you’re not feeling “hell yeah!” then say no"
https://www.builder.io/blog/usesignal-is-the-future-of-web-frameworks , known the idea of useSignal
https://medium.com/@aplaceofmind/ventura-is-not-macos-its-macios-1d00f12fa01e , so funny means it must be true
https://world.hey.com/dhh/we-stand-to-save-7m-over-five-years-from-our-cloud-exit-53996caa , "And what, Gul'dan,must we give it return?"
https://spacelift.io/blog/iac-architecture-patterns-terragrunt , nice points of IaC
https://spacelift.io/blog/terraform-automation , introducing some really useful command
https://spacelift.io/blog/infrastructure-problems-that-spacelift-solves , interesting problems and solutions
https://spacelift.io/blog/multi-cloud-infrastructure-strategy , nice article about Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
https://spacelift.io/blog/devops-best-practices , give great anti-patterns
https://replicate.com/blog/machine-learning-needs-better-tools , there are just so much opportunities in following years, after web, mobile, now it's consumer grade AI
http://apihandyman.io/writing-openapi-swagger-specification-tutorial-part-3-simplifying-specification-file/ , great article about simplifying OpenAPI, though it's OpenAPI 2.0, but still useful
https://worksinprogress.substack.com/p/creating-the-world-that-has-never , the weakness of science
https://www.ejorgenson.com/blog/free-with-technology-not-subsidy , the weakness of government subsidy
https://leerob.substack.com/p/why-im-optimistic-about-javascripts , javascript, yes!
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/a0m0EsuiLP2Jvc8c7egR4w , how to live a modern life
https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2007/10/18/the-art-of-the-finish-how-to-go-from-busy-to-accomplished/ , read it many many times, shaped the way I do things to some degree
https://world.hey.com/dhh/get-out-of-momentum-s-way-765248d2 , not making things then making trouble
https://davidamos.dev/who-is-reading-your-docs/ , docs for readers
https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2022/react-conditional-rendering-with-type-safety-and-exhaustive-checking/ , great article about how to use typescript for an array of react node
https://blog.kebab-ca.se/chapters/2023-02-12-sqlite-wasm/overview.html , C can run everywhere, except the browser, but now with WebAssembly, it can
https://fly.io/blog/love-letter-react/ , learn so much from React and its community
https://gist.github.com/gtallen1187/e83ed02eac6cc8d7e185 , amazing article about learning speed's impact
https://newsletter.simpleaws.dev/p/serverless-web-app , used to think this is cool, but now, why I don't use Cloudflare Workers?
http://www.paulgraham.com/gh.html , I am and will be a great hacker
http://www.paulgraham.com/mit.html , so inspiring
http://www.paulgraham.com/usa.html , impatience and the desire to complete
http://www.paulgraham.com/marginal.html , known marginal
http://www.paulgraham.com/gap.html , the gap between the best and the rest
https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkg7jm/chatgpt-china-openai-baidu-ernie-censorship , calm down a bit
http://www.paulgraham.com/selfindulgence.html , the danger of second goods
https://world.hey.com/dhh/saas-startups-will-have-to-care-about-productivity-again-78d4bd1a , return to the basics
https://lspace.swyx.io/p/varun-mohan , known Codium
https://jwang18.substack.com/p/gen-ai-more-human , the mix of human and AI in dating app is interesting
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/KAv8z6oJCTxjR8vdR/p/gKeHcikcXA3bApyoM , so many interesting ideas
https://every.to/divinations/how-ideas-grow , only real value deserves to be shared
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/W5HcGywyPoDDdJtbz/trigger-action-planning , make TAPs
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/ZHWiCM4QmX8WwYajH/goal-factoring-1 , the goal is not the smallest unit of desire
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dvzwqLbpSK2nD8Yvn/aversion-factoring , the aversion is not the smallest unit of "don't want"
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/3Jggtk5otfDoL7Lpq/turbocharging , remind me to consider the gap between the amusement park and the real world
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/hBKnkx8xvmhGZPdmg/goodhart-s-imperius-1 , brain will take us to the goal, but "The map is not the territory"
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QKpmPBpyCdNbBKAdR/systemization , the system is the goal, always systemize, but not systematize everything
https://stevepulec.com/posts/small/ , nice examples of small team
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/jiJquD34sa9Lyo5wc/resolve-cycles , you can always resolve the cycle in 5 minutes, cause you can always give up after all
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/f3o9ydY7iPjFF2fyk/focusing-1 , amazing article, focus is not only do one thing, instead, it's literally like take a photo, the focus is about to align
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WFEt8QHGrnSQzPa9W/bucket-errors , use a concept called "bucket" to store different kinds of ideas?
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CJGKkTjWLGCwhkjGY/socratic-ducking-ooda-loops-frame-by-frame-debugging , "couter vagueness"
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/T8piFGywHFd4ax9yx/gears-level-understanding-deliberate-performance-the , "Gears-Level Understanding", "Deliberate Performance", great concepts
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/8FsLyk6oDrhoqWEjB/pendulums-policy-level-decisionmaking-saving-state , when planning for the future today, it is also necessary to consider the veil of ignorance.
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RlzIJItge7jjRqGwdu6-0Q , a refined article about ChatGPT
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dLbkrPu5STNCBLRjr/applause-lights , If an idea looks completely unreasonable when flipped over, it means that the original idea is absolutely correct and absolutely meaningless
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/MwQRucYo6BZZwjKE7/einstein-s-arrogance , "Einstein's arrogance" is the pride of the person who does things
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/f4txACqDWithRi7hs/occam-s-razor , a word added information or just extended the length of the sentence
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/5JDkW4MYXit2CquLs/your-strength-as-a-rationalist , read again, this is the pride of a rationalist, there may be more posibilities that stories isn't true
https://letterstoanewdeveloper.com/2023/03/06/understanding-people-matters-more-than-understanding-tech/ , "people matter more than tech"
https://www.swyx.io/puwtpd , give help to maintain everything deserves to be maintained, why not? It's good for myself, and it's good for the world
https://www.swyx.io/measuring-devrel , given good metrics to measure the community health
https://www.swyx.io/js-third-age , nice article about js's past and future
https://www.swyx.io/cloudflare-go , interesting article about Cloudflare's cloud
https://www.swyx.io/part-time-creator-manifesto , just like this kind of article
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill , "richer doesn't always mean happier", but richer gives you more choices
https://til.simonwillison.net/gpt3/chatgpt-applescript , yes! ChatGPT can write applescript! still wandering why I don't think about this before, I have use it to write bash script for months!
https://pmarca.substack.com/p/followup-to-why-ai-wont-cause-unemployment , another evidence of basic income already exists
https://world.hey.com/dhh/actions-beat-arguments-2aa1da34 , a recent mistake I made is to convince others to join me instead of just doing it myself, cause words are so powerless
https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/inbox/id/AQQkADAwATM3ZmYAZS01NDM2LTI3MjIALTAwAi0wMAoAEADFWzWVwaqGS6iFvYdjax5U , a way to let human involved in the process of ChatGPT
http://www.paulgraham.com/head.html , great principles for own project
https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/14/23638033/openai-gpt-4-chatgpt-multimodal-deep-learning , known gpt-4
https://emaggiori.com/employed-in-tech-for-years-but-almost-never-worked/ , I want to tried this
https://moores.samaltman.com/ , the allocation problem will become a stupid question
http://habitatchronicles.com/2004/04/you-cant-tell-people-anything/ , another way to say "talk is cheap"
https://importai.substack.com/p/import-ai-321-open-source-gpt3-giving , capability overhang
https://about.fb.com/news/2023/03/mark-zuckerberg-meta-year-of-efficiency , looks like another Elon's style
https://blog.logrocket.com/exploring-competitive-features-node-js-v18-v19/ , slowly accepted, it is a fact that node v18 is already a very stable version
https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/03/will-ais-take-all-our-jobs-and-end-human-history-or-not-well-its-complicated/ , the first half is very good, understanding the incompleteness of computation. Just like programming, if some difficulties must be solved in the process of programming, then this complexity is actually irreducible
https://www.eugenewei.com/blog/2017/5/11/jpeg-your-ideas , a nice article about the things people easily remember
https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-is-paid-social-media-a-bad-idea-623a9c76 , ha, title says it's a bad idea, but the article is actually happy to see it, very funny ideas to see it as a experiment
https://react.dev/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023 , looks cool
https://frontendmastery.com/posts/rethinking-react-best-practices/ , a very good supplement to the previous article
https://www.riffusion.com/about , generating a spectrum image with stable diffusion, and then playing it, how incredible.
https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins , the features showcased in ChatGPT's auto browser web, such as the ability to click and scroll like a human, along with the sandbox for running Python code are really impressive
https://world.hey.com/dhh/america-is-never-getting-to-denmark-e471ae91 , interesting article about the difference between the US and Denmark caused by the difference in the cultural integration
https://www.vantage.sh/blog/cloudflare-r2-aws-s3-comparison , nice article about the comparison between Cloudflare R2 and AWS S3
https://herbcaudill.com/words/20190219-rewrite-refactor-reinvent , interesting article about rewrite
https://simonwillison.net/2023/Mar/27/ai-enhanced-development/ , introduce a way of replace the original fetch with a new one, which can be used to log the request and response (and can be used in my chat-kit project)
https://www.quantamagazine.org/brains-speed-up-perception-by-guessing-whats-next-20190502/ , brain's pre-fetching
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/5uZQHpecjn7955faL/p/DwtYPRuCxpXTrzG9m , "Do not attempt long chains of reasoning", I like the name of "long chains of reasoning"
https://robertwpearce.com/how-to-lose-functional-programming-at-work , great article about best practices in code
https://www.epicweb.dev/fully-typed-web-apps , "type, ui, backend", this article's idea of put the type in same level with ui and backend is very inspiring
https://www.epicweb.dev/full-stack-components , just so cool
https://swizec.com/blog/reader-question-how-to-grow-10-years-into-your-career/ , mentioned many ideas I heard before, such as "y-intercept doesn't matter", "senior engineer is a terminal title"
https://swizec.com/blog/the-programming-tutorial-seo-industry-is-dead/ , yes, I am glad to see seo not important as before, cause I am not good at it
https://swizec.com/blog/done-means-shipped/ , "Fucken' ship", haha
https://world.hey.com/dhh/how-to-have-buckets-of-time-38693993 , use "bucket" concept to bundle small tasks
https://tailwindcss.com/blog/tailwindcss-v3-3 , just nice release note to look at, like Arc's realease note
https://www.ft.com/content/e8d011fa-b8b5-11e3-835e-00144feabdc0 , interesting article about global warming
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VPKZ8VHl6xOIDDY-XErXUQ , summarizing the scenario modes of double confirmation, it is very enlightening
https://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-stable-diffusion/ , relatively simple and easy to understand
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsWPpE4Rid0 , Mr.Beast's waste time
http://antirez.com/news/61 , thank AI for it may eliminating the Tower of Babel in the visible future.
https://world.hey.com/dhh/the-hardware-we-need-for-our-cloud-exit-has-arrived-99d66966 , glad they make it
https://www.growbyginkgo.com/2023/03/14/theres-nothing-unnatural-about-a-computer/ , like the movie Avatar
https://swizec.com/blog/why-engineers-are-worth-so-much , like "skill deposit"
https://www.semafor.com/article/03/24/2023/the-secret-history-of-elon-musk-sam-altman-and-openai , very interesting article about the history of OpenAI
https://25iq.com/2015/10/10/a-dozen-things-ive-learned-from-charlie-munger-about-moats/ , known the concept of "moat"
https://www.gatesnotes.com/The-Age-of-AI-Has-Begun , interesting to see Bill Gates's also think AI is a big thing
https://greyenlightenment.com/2023/04/08/the-ai-winter-some-possible-scenarios , another example of "Pessimists seem to be right"
https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2023/04/friday-long-read-what-to-do-about-ai , made an interesting discussion about derivative technology
https://swizec.com/blog/how-to-own-projects-like-a-senior-engineer , being 100% responsible not only means being 100% responsible, but also means what things should be 100% irresponsible
https://slate.com/technology/2023/04/twitter-inc-x-corp-elon-musk-x-nevada.html , useful information about X company
https://www.camel-ai.org/ , the idea of simulating a society first and then extracting knowledge from social practice is very interesting
https://about.sourcegraph.com/blog/cheating-is-all-you-need , great example of "big things from small things"
https://invertedpassion.com/the-anti-productivity-manifesto/ ,remaind me once again that things are infinite, but time is not, instead, it's surprisingly short
https://awesomekling.substack.com/p/how-were-building-a-browser-when , they are rebuild browser engine, and that pretty cool, not sure it is necessary or not
https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2019/9/24/notes-from-a-sun-tzu-skeptic , interesting article about Sun Tzu
https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2022/5/31/shackled-by-doctrines-why-western-strategists-need-to-start-taking-ancient-chinese-texts-seriously , another one, very interesting
https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2020/11/10/siege-mentality-a-tale-of-two-wus , another one, "wen vs wu"
https://szopa.medium.com/teaching-chatgpt-to-speak-my-sons-invented-language-9d109c0a0f05 , another example of how easy to create a new language will be under the help of AI, maybe we really need it to create a 10x better language compare to English
https://martinfowler.com/bliki/ConwaysLaw.html , Conway's Law is the primary manifestation of organization structure as code
https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/10/researchers-populated-a-tiny-virtual-town-with-ai-and-it-was-very-wholesome , really a ai playground
https://proton.me/blog/ban-tiktok-better-restrict-act , the view on law is very interesting
https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7begx/overemployed-hustlers-exploit-chatgpt-to-take-on-even-more-full-time-jobs , this is the result of sudden mismatch between productive development and production relations
https://adamkdean.co.uk/posts/gpt-unicorn-a-daily-exploration-of-gpt-4s-image-generation-capabilities , finally saw a example of this idea
https://jina.ai/news/auto-gpt-unmasked-hype-hard-truths-production-pitfalls/ , great article about auto-gpt
https://www.concernednetizen.com/2023/04/long-live-the-free-software-foundation/ , "OSS is about the community, while free software is about users", I don't know if this classification is correct, but it does mention corresponding relationships such as "development experience and user experience", which is very interesting
https://www.quantamagazine.org/a-new-approach-to-computation-reimagines-artificial-intelligence-20230413 , is this a new way of representing neural network structures?
https://seldo.com/posts/the_case_for_frameworks , "They are popular because they are a damn good idea."
https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2022/one-teams-eight-points-is-another-teams-two-points/ , a great artilce to see the down side of agile
https://www.lloydatkinson.net/posts/2022/default-exports-in-javascript-modules-are-terrible/ , good point, but I still like default export
https://swizec.com/blog/reader-question-how-to-grow-10-years-into-your-career/ , the meaning in the long run
https://blog.gruntwork.io/5-lessons-learned-from-writing-over-300-000-lines-of-infrastructure-code-36ba7fadeac1 , the example of "run tf plan in big repo make it impossible to debug" is very interesting
https://tom.preston-werner.com/2010/08/23/readme-driven-development.html , "a beautifully crafted library with no documentation is also damn near worthless"
https://tom.preston-werner.com/2022/05/23/major-version-numbers-are-not-sacred.html , another layer ontop of the semver
https://tom.preston-werner.com/2011/11/22/open-source-everything.html , tell me in which case my code also can not be open source
https://tom.preston-werner.com/2010/12/11/designer-architect-developer.html , "Design comes first"
https://simonw.substack.com/p/prompt-injection-whats-the-worst , the prompt attack is terrifying when AI operates in reality
https://www.chinalawtranslate.com/en/overview-of-draft-measures-on-generative-ai/ , understanding own country's laws through the English-speaking world
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/breaking-react-querys-api-on-purpose , like people who think problem deeply, and then decide what to do (instead of communitings and meetings)
https://thehub.ca/2023-04-11/make-the-future-bright-again-jason-crawford-on-the-importance-of-building-a-new-philosophy-of-progress/ , why? why the philosophy of progress is not mainstream anymore?
https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/11/10/making-friends-adults , "Making friends as an adult is just hard"
https://www.wired.com/story/openai-ceo-sam-altman-the-age-of-giant-ai-models-is-already-over/ , they found it during the training process of GPT-5?
https://dynomight.net/scaling/ , An article supporting the above viewpoint believes that the progress of AI mainly comes from algorithms
https://lethain.com/forty-year-career/ , think my career in 40 years, why not
https://albertcory50.substack.com/p/reasons-why-software-patents-should , if familiar with FSF, then should not be suprised by this article
https://lethain.com/time-and-energy/ , "you can easily starve while eating your fill of this sort of quasi-accomplish", "quasi-accomplish" is a good word
https://lethain.com/profit-and-loss-statement/ , "Profit & Loss statement", now not only I know the importance of P&L, but also why it is important
https://lethain.com/work-on-what-matters/ , "work on what matters", cause so many things are stupid games
https://dynomight.net/lists/ , dispelled my bias against list articles themselves
https://dynomight.net/copies/ , great! I got the concept of "copies", It explains a lot of my recent behavior, I previously referred to part of it as a 'disposable strategy' or 'use and throw away strategy'
https://www.notboring.co/p/intelligence-superabundance , an optimistic article
https://world.hey.com/dhh/how-to-continue-making-kerosene-lamps-on-the-eve-of-electricity-5a8b8e1a , that means making features for others is no longer rational, because they can be quickly generated automatically
https://dynomight.net/weird-ideas/ , just interesting
https://dynomight.net/beliefs/ , you don't need to be right to be useful
https://book.stevejobsarchive.com/ , just great
https://www.benkuhn.net/newmgr/ , good article about management
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RSFLlSBFjKZNF8jLA9LJKQ , best aritcle about ai era I ever read
https://dynomight.substack.com/p/nonpersons , funny questions
https://www.notboring.co/p/the-unbearable-heaviness-of-being , details about google's AI situation
https://mitchellh.com/writing/prompt-engineering-vs-blind-prompting , the rare article really get the point of prompt engineering(if it is not a joke)
https://mitchellh.com/writing/the-new-normal , "new normal" is a good concept ⭐
https://mitchellh.com/writing/automation-obsessed , that's why he can create HashiCorp
https://world.hey.com/jason/on-hiring-rehiring-and-one-question-to-answer-them-all-5db97bcb , make no choice is also a choice, keep someone is also a rehire
https://openai.com/research/language-models-can-explain-neurons-in-language-models , an important step in reverse engineering the brain
https://www.etsy.com/uk/codeascraft/etsys-journey-to-typescript , real TypeScript migration article
https://www.jeremybrown.tech/8-kubernetes-is-a-red-flag-signalling-premature-optimisation/ , "Kubernetes is a red flag signalling premature optimisation."
https://pavkam.dev/2023-04-19-work-with-ai-nonsense/ , "AI use AI"
https://collabfund.com/blog/one-big-web-a-few-ways-the-world-works/ , just interesting
https://engineering.atspotify.com/2021/04/building-the-future-of-our-desktop-apps/ , cause find Spotify's desktop app is even better than the web app, so I find this article to go deeper
https://world.hey.com/jason/we-stand-with-the-underdogs-7d487d64 , what big companies get when they are big
https://swizec.com/blog/you-can-t-fix-the-wrong-abstraction/ , "No amount of refactoring, bar starting again from scratch, can rescue a system built on flawed concepts."
https://www.macarthur.me/posts/use-mutation-observer-to-handle-nodes-that-dont-exist-yet , the article I want to read long time ago
https://www.macarthur.me/posts/options-for-removing-event-listeners , another also good article about removeListener
https://youmightnotneed.com/lodash , always funny to know how to create lodash
https://github.com/you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Loops/blob/master/readme.md , I was amazed by it goes back to the basics in Lisp, such as car
and cdr
https://github.com/crimx/observable-hooks/blob/master/README.md , "Render-as-You-Fetch"
https://world.hey.com/dhh/sitting-on-the-bench-ba937b84 , I partly agree with this article, but I think it is not the whole story. What if I am the one sitting on the bench and take advantage of that idle time to learn something new?
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sbxJneZOxovMnAOEylrhLw , another perspective, breaking many mental stereotypes
https://world.hey.com/jason/kill-overkill-4689acac , "So complexity isn't the issue. Overkill is the issue."
https://blog.almaer.com/building-a-modern-design-system-in-layers , "design system in layers", begin with "html&css"
https://blog.visionarycto.com/p/my-20-year-career-is-technical-debt , technical debt is the norm, not the exception
https://waitbutwhy.com/2015/08/how-and-why-spacex-will-colonize-mars.html/2 , "Far view"
https://geohot.github.io/blog/jekyll/update/2023/05/24/the-tiny-corp-raised-5M.html , glad to see another interesting company that may help the world and me
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4U6UfXDMEie-nAtRjaD56Q , just accept the loss
https://alexkondov.com/reading-code-chakra-ui/ , some examples of abstract code
https://world.hey.com/dhh/manage-process-before-people-20736695 , do the progress in the app instead of meetings is my dream
https://garden.bradwoods.io/notes/design/user-driven-ui , the website is so cool, and the name of "user-driven UI" is also not bad, I think "growth UI" is even better, and the "ZPD(Zone of Proximal Development)" is also a good concept to know
https://garden.bradwoods.io/notes/design/juice , "juice" is a good concept, and the website to show this article is super cool
https://www.geoffreylitt.com/2023/03/25/llm-end-user-programming.html , I agree the idea that people will be able to write one-time programs in the future
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/546663474 , a nice article introduce the history of "@tanstack/table" library
https://frontendmastery.com/posts/building-future-facing-frontend-architectures/ , I know I tend to use abstract language too much, but hey, that's just me! I'd rather go overboard than be too boring. I am still learning how to write better, and I am not afraid to make mistakes.
https://www.geoffreylitt.com/2023/01/08/for-your-next-side-project-make-a-browser-extension.html , the history and ideas behind Twemex
https://julesblom.com/writing/running-promises-in-parallel , know more Promise api
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Zrdx2Bq_WCRF49FnO9i59w , a interview of the history and future of AI without boring part
https://cutlefish.substack.com/p/tbm-224-the-black-box , such vivid demonstration shows the complexity brought by management
https://guzey.com/why-is-there-only-one-elon-musk/ , something about genius
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NVmO1O5SS9YGhJNEf9RBRA , about interpersonal communication
https://world.hey.com/jason/advice-expires-d37374e6 , "Advice expires" is a good concept, it shows the model we should use to consider advice
https://marmelab.com/blog/2023/06/05/react-angularjs-moment.html , why RSC
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WSO7rlwaddP9ZjPVmCzE3w , nice article about design project naming
https://world.hey.com/dhh/acting-your-wage-will-atrophy-your-abilities-1ca261c4 , I do kind of "acting my wage"
https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2023/03/30/vscode-copilot , known the history of Copilot
https://swizec.com/blog/what-does-solve-problems-even-mean , "Code is expensive. Use when you're building an asset" ⭐
https://simonwillison.net/2023/Jun/8/gpt-tokenizers/ , know more about token
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uheLYetIQ7lplQmn_PtqzQ , Unconcealment
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9JmRawsCu4PusR7zQeU_zg , that's what happened when human pretend to be human
https://www.w3.org/History/1945/vbush/vbush-all.shtml , an impressive article, especially considering its early publication. The issues mentioned in the text have indeed been gradually addressed or are no longer major concerns, particularly with the recent development of the Internet and llm.
https://pub.towardsai.net/rethinking-overthinking-5-ways-i-use-chatgpt-as-cognitive-scaffolding-bbd83b176461 , for LLM, compressing and refining text is inherently part of its training, if not the only part.
https://world.hey.com/jason/you-only-compete-with-one-thing-48a20d93 , "Your real competition are your costs"
https://www.builder.io/blog/tailwind-css-tips-and-tricks , good to know about them
https://blog.nateliason.com/p/proof-you-can-do-hard-things , "Proof You Can Do Hard Things" ⭐
https://www.dancowell.com/software-engineers-hate-code , that's why I always wants codes to be shorter
https://guzey.com/follow-up , ask for it until get a "no" literally
https://swizec.com/blog/you-can-t-fix-the-wrong-abstraction , "Software is built on abstractions". Senior engineers see the abstraction, junior engineers see the details, such as naming.
https://swizec.com/blog/why-taming-architectural-complexity-is-paramount , the more lines of code, the slower the development speed
https://contextkeeper.io/blog/the-real-cost-of-an-interruption-and-context-switching , I do need a bigger screen or some tech to deal with interruptions
https://swizec.com/blog/do-more-_work_-less , you can buy time to make your day way more than 24 hours
https://guzey.com/personal/college , another kind of college
https://www.nango.dev/blog/why-is-oauth-still-hard , now I know auth is not a easy thing
https://theprogrammersparadox.blogspot.com/2023/04/waterloo-style.html , data driven development. ⭐
https://collabfund.com/blog/one-big-web-a-few-ways-the-world-works , to do is to learn
http://jsomers.net/blog/speed-matters , "Speed matters", that's why should use LLM and automation when need to. ⭐
https://bikeshed.org , "the amount of noise generated by a change is inversely proportional to the complexity of the change" ⭐
https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/interview-chris-miller-historian , cool to read the Elite Perspectives on the China-US Chip Competition
http://rampantgames.com/blog/?p=7745 , the concept of the "black triangle" is a great way to showcase effort without appearing laborious.
https://blog.samaltman.com/the-days-are-long-but-the-decades-are-short , "The days are long but the decades are short" ⭐
http://paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html , as a maker, time is valuable. Work from 6 pm to 3 am and then sleep until 11 am. As a manager, time is less precious. Spend the afternoon casually meeting with others over coffee. That's a day. ⭐
https://jods.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/issue3-brand , interseting ideas about "Pace Layering"
https://danluu.com/look-stupid , the truth is, in most cases, it is difficult to understand because real life often lacks sufficient context for problem comprehension. ⭐
https://www.kalzumeus.com/2011/10/28/dont-call-yourself-a-programmer , it is a form of life. If I had seen this a year ago, or even six months ago, I would have thought it was nonsense. However, it is how the world operates at my level and seems to be an effective approach. ⭐
https://www.joincolossus.com/blog/posts/growth-without-goals , "Growth Without Goals", already believe this, but still good to have a name for it, the key point is still "growth", just without goals.
http://augmentingcognition.com/ltm.html , this article will make me retry Anki.
https://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/193447.html , "Always bet on text", I always prefer text because it is faster. In my experience, a two-hour podcast can be easily converted into text, making it easier to read and skip through. This allows me to consume more information and saves time in the long run.
https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/06/what-makes-us-happy/307439 , This article discusses a very basic concept of friendship, which is also a way to continue living.
http://worrydream.com/refs/Hofstadter%20-%20Analogy%20as%20the%20Core%20of%20Cognition.pdf , "Analogy is everything", I think this is kind of a nature of LLM (human is just a kind of LLM) ⭐
https://milan.cvitkovic.net/writing/things_youre_allowed_to_do , "things I am allow to do" is things I am going to do(if I want to)
https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage , "Toxoplasma" is a fascinating concept for a drama unfolding in my surroundings.
http://johnsalvatier.org/blog/2017/reality-has-a-surprising-amount-of-detail , This article provides a more realistic view of real-world problems.
https://aaronzlewis.com/blog/2014/06/01/solved-conversations , Some limited games in real life have already been solved, so don't treat it as an infinite game to play.
https://nat.org , things you can believe
https://autotranslucence.com/2018/03/30/becoming-a-magician , I'm not sure why this article has moved me, but perhaps it's because its idea suggests that doing magic in seconds is difficult, while doing it over the course of years is easier. ⭐
https://ma.tt/2010/11/one-point-oh , Ship it, even if it feels awkward.
https://jsomers.net/blog/speed-matters , I forgot one of the ideas that I definitely shouldn't: "Speed Matters." ⭐
https://notes.andymatuschak.org/zMbCwoVdjsqPNyTRRr3phPN , For programmers as well, this is the issue I am concerned about. We can improve through daily work, but it seems too random and powerless when facing truly difficult problems. ⭐
https://notes.andymatuschak.org/zMX9Lfuz8sGfDUivWZcyWT , I am pretty suprised it provided some practical examples
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xym5f0XYlSc , Ilya's opinion is advanced, positive, bold, and practical. Like Elon Musk, he expresses ideas that make sense, especially in a rational manner.
https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/email.html , "I have reached an age where my main purpose is not to receive messages", This reminds me of what I should do in old age - learning that may never be applied before death, before eternal silence takes over.
http://web.archive.org/web/20200517015343/https://lettersofnote.com/2015/10/23/do-not-remain-nameless-to-yourself , so that is Feynman, "No problem is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it."
https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/06/taming-mammoth-let-peoples-opinions-run-life.html , The idea of this article is very helpful in reducing my anxiety. ⭐
https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/YouAndYourResearch.html , "If what you are doing is not important, and if you don't think it is going to lead to something important, why are you at Bell Labs working on it?", "you have to sell it" ⭐
https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths , how subcultures die
https://www.andreasfragner.com/writing/writing-summaries , Topical Reading: Choose 4-5 topics of interest and gain in-depth knowledge by reading relevant books. Inspectional Reading: Skim and pre-read to select the 2 most important books for each chosen topic.
https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-artificial-intelligence/what-kind-of-mind-does-chatgpt-have , It provides an amazing explanation for why ChatGPT works, with the example being as good as "Lossy compression of the Internet."
https://onezero.medium.com/the-dark-forest-theory-of-the-internet-7dc3e68a7cb1 , that's how things looks like when you are in the dark forest, walk out, to the city, to the light.
http://paulgraham.com/conformism.html , this world is full of "passive conventional", and it is not easy to find "agreesive minded".
https://www.scottaaronson.com/writings/bignumbers.html , it can be seen as the meta idea of "why speed matters", cause big number make any thing else meaningless.
https://worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything , high housing price is wrong, it's yet another stupid problem of 21st century.
https://map.simonsarris.com/p/the-most-precious-resource-is-agency , let kid can decide
https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=2410 , another example of "let people speak" , cause it's important fot consensus.
https://longnow.org/essays/richard-feynman-connection-machine , many principles of Feynman are worth learning, and this article provides many examples.
https://www.vogue.com/article/joan-didion-self-respect-essay-1961 , "self-respect" decide what can not to do. ⭐
https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2020/01/23/being-your-selves-identity-rd-on-alt-twitter , A thing that has been forgotten for a long time, you can always create a new account, just like the first one.
https://github.com/readme/featured/typescript-gradual-types , "untyped languages just do not scale", typed languages can be noisy when scalability is not necessary.
https://www.hecaitou.com/2023/07/Do-not-leave-the-good-stuff-for-the-next-day.html , So saving drafts is actually a pessimistic estimate for the future, and it's not the original intention if it really comes true.
https://andrewingram.net/posts/recipe-kits-a-great-alternative-to-installable-libraries , glad to see this idea of copy&paste component is getting popular, such as the coming Tailwind Catalyst.
https://world.hey.com/jason/effective-productive-acfa210d , "Not doing something that isn’t worth doing is a wonderful way to spend your time"
https://world.hey.com/dhh/clear-the-barnacles-b9558830 , "barnacles" is such a good word to describe the "more is less".
https://world.hey.com/dhh/pick-promise-over-proof-756604d3 , Like testing eyesight or vocabulary size, let failure be the proof.
https://matthewwolfe.github.io/blog/code-sharing-react-and-react-native , Use JS to write entire app, web maybe hard, but share some code is easy.
https://blog.nateliason.com/p/more-than-you-think , The rain and sunshine are coming. Spread your seeds, don't worry about fertilizing, weeding, and harvesting because they all come slowly.
https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/were-not-platonists-weve-just-learned , Re-understanding intelligence.
https://guzey.com/advice , Comments in 1 week, delete or move into notes in 1 month.
https://perell.com/essay/50-ideas-that-changed-my-life, Those ideas are cool, but reading them together is boring. If they were one book, with each idea as a chapter, it would be better.
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/react-query-and-react-context , From this article, I understand that context is a way to pass data, more useful since it looks simple.
https://githubnext.com/projects/code-atlas , It's cool to auto extract variables from solutions and segment them into blocks for human understanding.
book: Four Thousand Weeks
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/FrqfoG3LJeCZs96Ym/p/GrDqnMjhqoxiqpQPw , Does humility make you stronger or weaker?
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/FrqfoG3LJeCZs96Ym/p/gWGA8Da539EQmAR9F , Faster! Stronger! Higher! Better!
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/FrqfoG3LJeCZs96Ym/p/dLJv2CoRCgeC2mPgj , "I think it’s okay to be imperfect, but not so imperfect that other people notice."
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/3ELrPerFTSo75WnrH/p/qNZM3EGoE5ZeMdCRt , "Reversed Stupidity Is Not Intelligence"
book: Programmer Brain
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/nEBbw2Bc2CnN2RMxy/gears-level-models-are-capital-investments , Rethink "gears level" - it's the way that works, so mistakes won't accumulate.
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/pmHZDpak4NeRLLLCw/p/BaCWFCxBQYjJXSsah , pretrain your mind
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/M3TJ2fTCzoQq66NBJ/p/hwi8JQjspnMWyWs4g , "Splitting the Great Idea into parts; Treating every additional detail as burdensome;" ⭐
https://www.lesswrong.com/s/5bZZZJ5psXrrD5BGb/p/qRWfvgJG75ESLRNu9 , "opps"
https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/08/10/joe-bidens-china-strategy-is-not-working , You cannot wish for only one outcome
https://danmall.com/posts/extravagance-as-savviness , There is no simple way to determine what is cheap.
https://fs.blog/brain-food/july-30-2023 , the small things in life ⭐
https://www.billym2k.news/p/playing-a-different-game , play different game
https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/geography-is-the-chessboard-of-history , interesting
https://collabfund.com/blog/how-to-read-lots-of-inputs-and-a-strong-filter , filter is also important for reading ⭐
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule , Elon Musk from another angle.
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MHB-KXOXofUrbZP0Gj-vaw , amazing stories behind the movie
https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/08/08/what-helps-people-get-comfortable-on-the-command-line- , a helpful article about command line
https://joshcollinsworth.com/blog/antiquated-react , You know what? I don't care. I am forced to code in a code repository using something like Vue2, and I'm fine with it. I care about 10x improvements, like going from jQuery to React. But transitioning from React to Svelte? Not so much.
https://blog.samaltman.com/how-to-be-successful , ⭐
https://www.notboring.co/p/i-exponential , Like such kind article for 21th.
https://jasonfeifer.beehiiv.com/p/feel-better-about-quitting-something , As long as you don't learn for something disposable, you can always continue in another area. ⭐
https://matt-rickard.com/reflections-on-10-000-hours-of-programming , "never take a direct dependency on a small library that you could easily rewrite or a large library that should have been small." ⭐
https://spacecraft.ssl.umd.edu/akins_laws.html , just great.
https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/leisure/in-8-hours-you-could-be-in , inspiring
https://blog.danslimmon.com/2023/08/11/squeeze-the-hell-out-of-the-system-you-have , Rewriting is the incorrect answer to the original question.
https://fffuel.co/css-selectors , useful list
https://react.dev/learn/typescript , The missing tutorial for tsx.
https://swizec.com/blog/why-write , "structured thought"
https://techcrunch.com/2012/04/19/an-interview-with-millenium-technology-prize-finalist-linus-torvalds , just great
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9T0U7hEihOF4LPHGMSCvMQ , know more about xAI
https://andreabergia.com/blog/2023/05/error-handling-patterns , The first step to conquer error handling.
https://blog.matt-rickard.com/p/the-new-economics-of-generating-code , Already found this, but when looking back, only a little bit of code refactoring is needed.
https://world.hey.com/jason/company-culture-is-the-last-50-days-dab19416 , Culture is stable in the short term, but it changes rapidly in the long term.
https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.04037 , Seems to provide a way to get the simplest and most boring prompt, which I personally believe is the best way to use LLM. Like code or math, shorter is better.
https://dynomight.substack.com/p/humans , Basically, this article tells me that conflict can be a choice.
https://thezbook.com/code-first-vs-product-first , "If the product doesn’t work well, the code is not good." ⭐
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/oqJOaJJpu6eZa7sie0kRVw , AI industry status before 2023/09.
https://visakanv.com/1000/0152-letter-to-a-young-songwriter , Some conventional wisdom, I like it. ⭐
https://finbarr.ca/five-years-of-gpt-progress , give me some details about the history of GPT
https://jakobgreenfeld.com/stay-in-touch , It is interesting to see the strange way in which internet marketing professionals work.
https://jakobgreenfeld.com/build_an_audience , Having a large number of followers is not a meaningful goal unless you are selling ads.
https://matt-rickard.com/the-age-old-resistance-to-generated-code , Great minds think alike.
https://dave.cheney.net/2015/11/05/lets-talk-about-logging , great article, now I know how to log: "Things that developers care about when they are developing or debugging software. Things that users care about when using your software.", aka debug and info.
https://sb.longnow.org/SB_homepage/WholeEarth_buton.html , cool
https://gwern.net/socks , About the seemingly insignificant things like "socks," it's remarkable how they can have such a significant impact on our lives.
https://meltingasphalt.com/interactive/going-critical , Higher density is needed to support the existence of certain cultures that are difficult to survive.
https://moretothat.com/money , Great article about what money means.
https://vadimkravcenko.com/shorts/proper-documentation , Documentation is not as important as creating, but if you spend more time helping others solve problems and syncing project status in meetings, why not document? It's more meaningful than those two.
https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/geography-is-the-chessboard-of-history , That's how little advantages accumulate, and how the environment makes something possible.
https://fs.blog/reversible-irreversible-decisions , Don't rush irreversible decisions, but 70% information suffices. Act promptly for reversible ones.
https://guzey.com/insight , It's a game that presents a humorous perspective in a straightforward manner.
https://github.com/merlinmann/wisdom/blob/master/wisdom.md , worth reading
http://www.fairpoint.net/~jpierce/staring_into_the_singularity.htm , The entirety of human knowledge will be understood, just as we perceive the color red from giant pixels. This idea is amazing.
https://a16z.com/the-techno-optimist-manifesto , This demonstrates the common thoughts of an optimist.
https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/antimemetics-division-hub , So fantastic is the meme of "antimeme."
https://collabfund.com/blog/rare-skills , "I could have more and do more, but this is good enough."
https://uxdesign.cc/transition-animations-a-practical-guide-5dba4d42f659 , Amazing transition animation tutorial.
https://adplist.substack.com/p/how-tinder-designs-product-and-why , A fantastic example that demonstrates how to set pricing.
https://news.tonydinh.com/p/my-solopreneur-story-zero-to-45kmo , Very inspiring.
https://danmall.com/posts/how-much-of-a-rascal-are-you , The right way to promote.
https://danmall.com/posts/commit-to-commit , "I’m not sure right now, but I can tell you in an hour."
https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/12/10-types-odd-friendships-youre-probably-part.html , I knew this would be great before I even read it.
https://githubnext.com/projects/copilot-workspace , GitHub issues are also a good context clue. Basically, a good context is almost equivalent to a good artificial intelligence application.
https://simonwillison.net/2023/Sep/30/cli-tools-python , Interesting to see CLI development experience.
https://fs.blog/turning-2-million-into-2-trillion , What does a great plan look like?
https://world.hey.com/jason/keeping-easy-from-becoming-hard-e6af27d0 , Don't make easy things hard.
https://blog.yitianshijie.net/2023/11/07/passion-is-not-hormone , "Passion is not hormone"
https://josem.co/the-beauty-of-finished-software , like 'ls', like 'cd'
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/11/20/a-coder-considers-the-waning-days-of-the-craft , an answer to my recent question
https://jxnl.github.io/instructor/blog/2023/11/05/chain-of-density , interesting technique
https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1q0VulPvi1awazH4EAsScXw3kqWHM-GAbBGY6IQzSV70 , "We take lessons in running datacenters from crypto miners, not traditional cloud providers."
https://web.archive.org/web/20170615060422/https://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash , Steve also care about software, of course
http://paulgraham.com/ds.html , At first, only the creator desires others to use the product.
http://hawstein.com/2023/07/12/five-years-of-an-indie-hacker , indie experience
https://blog.logrocket.com/vue-3-react-developers-side-by-side-comparison-demos , The Vue vs React article compared with code.
https://githubnext.com/projects/copilot-next-edit-suggestions , change somewhere, and ai to change elsewhere. really learned a lot from GitHub Next's ideas, even though they may have gotten those ideas from the community
https://guzey.com/talent , interesting points
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JMain60TWLw97JFGzOykuA , A really cool story, but it's not a process that can be repeated.
https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/unlocking-swiftui-at-airbnb-ea58f50cde49 , Where are Fluent and React Native? It's a sign that they are not good enough.
https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/08/the-bunny-manifesto.html , There are so many different ways to live, think, and do things
https://matt-rickard.com/anticipate-the-cheap , Knowing that GitHub Copilot costs $20 but is on sale for $10...
https://www.sahilbloom.com/newsletter/10-ways-to-stand-out-from-the-crowd , anyway
https://janvikalra.substack.com/p/going-from-zero-to-600-users , Fresh real-world experience
https://slrncl.com/notes , good taste
https://blog.gregbrockman.com/how-i-became-a-machine-learning-practitioner , I am really glad to see such an honest article about his journey of learning AI
https://www.notboring.co/p/openai-and-grand-strategy , "Grand Strategy" is a good concept
http://www.incompleteideas.net/IncIdeas/BitterLesson.html , The scale is what really scales.
https://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1700627373 , "Most of my work was done on a laptop from random buildings on Google's campus; entire years went by where I didn't use my assigned desk."
https://seths.blog/2023/11/working-with-problems , Great article on problem solving
https://ratrey.substack.com/p/psychology-of-learning-learn-like , Comparing learning to traveling to a new city is a particularly good example
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrickcai/2023/11/27/pika-ai-video-generator-editor-series-a , Speed matters, no matter how you achieve it
https://blog.yitianshijie.net/2022/12/26/mother-goose , "Something that people in a language culture will read, whether they like it or not, is the most important thing in culture."
http://worrydream.com/refs/Kay%20-%20The%20Center%20of%20Why.pdf , "I had already read many books by the time I was old enough to go to school. But I was surprised to find that in school there was just One Book about each subject"
https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/elon-musk-the-architect-of-tomorrow-120850 , Good to read, despite knowing many details.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale , Thinking about big questions is good for human health.
https://jakelazaroff.com/words/web-components-will-outlive-your-javascript-framework , for the things that need last long
https://jakelazaroff.com/words/frameworks-cover-up-skill-issues-and-thats-a-good-thing , for the things that need speed
https://marcotm.com/articles/information-extraction-with-large-language-models-parsing-unstructured-data-with-gpt , an amusing exploration similar to one I recently undertook
https://world.hey.com/dhh/commit-to-competence-in-this-coming-year-feb7d7c5 , Remember the maintainer of WXT (a web extension framework), who always writes detailed issues and pull requests. Good habits benefit every remaining second of our lives, while bad habits harm every remaining second.
https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2023/examples-of-great-urls , inspiring url examples
https://manupa.dev/blog/anatomy-of-shadcn-ui , It's a really cool idea to build a UI library like this.
https://rebornix.com/vscode/2019/08/11/web-keyboard-support , very useful articles about shortcut design
https://acreom.com/blog/the-quest-for-a-great-search , Useful article that met my needs.
https://lucaongaro.eu/blog/2019/01/30/minisearch-client-side-fulltext-search-engine.html , A highly detailed and useful article from its creator.
https://www.raycast.com/blog/how-raycast-api-extensions-work , I'm inspired and considering a similar question.
https://aoxiang.me/06/08/2023/control-product , also an amazing example of "get your hands dirty"
https://beej.us/blog/data/noises-in-the-distance , "when you rely on the work of others, you're not leveling up yourself. And then you will be killed"
https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/2024/01/02/elon-musk-is-not-understood , it's about Musk's good side, and it's great
https://overreacted.io/a-chain-reaction , build jsx from zero
https://overreacted.io/the-two-reacts , f(data) vs f(state), or f(data, state)?
https://mitchellh.com/writing/building-large-technical-projects , speed matters, real-time preview matters, small demo matters
https://world.hey.com/dhh/happiness-is-never-having-to-ask-for-permission-20962d41 , PWA can/will be great
https://antfu.me/posts/why-reproductions-are-required , Informative article that offers new perspectives on handling PRs and issues.
http://antirez.com/news/140 , An insightful article sharing a programmer's experiences with LLMs.
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UVrpTbZjGRdQ5JQNqptKpw , the though about "feed" from WeDesign.
https://sive.rs/led , "Thinking that people are stupid is not thinking. Understanding them is."
https://dev.to/what1s1ove/typescript-might-not-be-your-god-case-study-of-migration-from-ts-to-jsdoc-o99 , great article about the benefits of jsdoc
https://kentcdodds.com/blog/colocation , "Place code as close to where it's relevant as possible"
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/the-query-options-api , Pass object to use everywhere
https://tkdodo.eu/blog/effective-react-query-keys#use-query-key-factories , query key factories is so cool
https://world.hey.com/dhh/the-benefit-of-seniority-ought-to-be-bandwidth-ff8ee736 , Effective engineers dislike excessive guidance. They don't need it and will ask if they do.
https://bartwronski.com/2024/01/22/how-i-use-chatgpt-daily-scientist-coder-perspective , Just for fun, my friend
https://www.twosigma.com/articles/a-guide-to-large-language-model-abstractions , intriguing concept of layers in LLM
https://blog.alexewerlof.com/p/tech-debt-day , interesting story
https://ahrefs.com/blog/premium-ai-prompts , I can write premium prompts from this article.
https://world.hey.com/dhh/there-are-no-secrets-left-c8c95de0 , ideas are worthless, adding good things costs nothing, similar idea
https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html , This is the first solution I've seen that might actually solve death in some way, and surprisingly it was written in 2016
https://sahillavingia.com/work , happy to know that a company like this can exist
https://www.npr.org/2024/01/09/1196978496/debunking-popular-myths-about-sleep , some nice clarification about sleep
https://world.hey.com/dhh/dare-to-connect-a-server-to-the-internet-01d25a07 , encourage me to move further
https://lifehacker.com/health/master-small-talk-ford-method , small talk tricks don't guarantee good conversations, but they help start conversations
https://guzey.com/napoleon , now we learn lessons from Napoleon
https://onfold.sh/blog/is-it-time-to-ditch-mysql-and-postgresql-for-sqlite , another successful recommendation of sqlite for me
https://jvns.ca/blog/2024/02/01/dealing-with-diverged-git-branches , Now I know why I am getting these errors when doing git pull
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest , webRequest is an interesting API
https://seths.blog/2024/02/make-or-buy , It's not about whether I can or cannot, it's about whether I should care. What difference will it make if I allow myself to do so? Are there fully other suppliers that I can select from? For instance, with UI libraries, nobody should recreate the UI as long as their product isn't about design.
https://mac.install.guide/homebrew/8 , homebrew housekeeping guide
http://www.incompleteideas.net/IncIdeas/BitterLesson.html , "The scale is what really scales." again
https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/writing/speed-matters , another amazing article about speed matters, love it
https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/bash-bang-commands , glad to know those called bang commands
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28879240 , great talk about above article
https://danluu.com/productivity-velocity , same topic, suprised I missed it before
https://c00kiemon5ter.github.io/code/philosophy/2011/10/30/Tale-of-two-Programmers.html , haha, think more, and code faster
http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/09/programmings-dirtiest-little-secret.html , This is the guide I need for typing practice
https://read.engineerscodex.com/p/how-pinterest-scaled-to-11-million , Nice story of Pinterest scaling, like an example of a tale of two programmers
https://notes.alinpanaitiu.com/Costs-of-running-a-macOS-app-studio-business , An interesting and honest article about the cost of macos development
https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/writing/things-unlearned , don't learn 10 languages, learn 1 language 10 times better
https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/writing/moving-faster , the usage of "tools" file is interesting
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2aoc-Shk89ji7tMPU_EgtA , Evan You's thoughts on front-end ecosystem these days
https://www.yitay.net/blog/training-great-llms-entirely-from-ground-zero-in-the-wilderness , interesting to see a xoogler's experience outside of Google
https://www.notboring.co/p/ambitions-gravity , insteresting compare to "gravity of reality"
https://shubhamjain.co/2019/05/22/getting-better-at-english , useful and honest article about starting English writing
https://shubhamjain.co/2019/02/16/messy-code , messy code is good, cause it leave us the opportunity to clean it up
https://shubhamjain.co/2018/06/07/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-hiring , inspiring article about applying for a job
https://aptabase.com/blog/why-chose-to-build-on-tauri-instead-electron , it changed my mind about electron a little bit
https://www.codecentric.de/wissens-hub/blog/electron-tauri-building-desktop-apps-web-technologies , great article about electron, provide a lot of useful information, should refer to it when I need to build a desktop app
https://getlotus.app/21-making-electron-apps-feel-native-on-mac , cool tips about make electron app feel native
https://www.sequoiacap.com/article/black-holes-perspective , It has greatly relieved my worries about AI, but its surpassing of human intelligence is unimaginable, because humans seem to have only intelligence left, knowledge, energy, and the fundamentals can't be compared at all
https://seths.blog/2024/03/where-are-you , Thinking about tomorrow is living in tomorrow
https://seths.blog/2024/03/graceful , be kind
https://hulry.com/firesides/gezellig , gezellig is an interesting concept
https://matt-rickard.com/lessons-from-debugging , Made me realize the importance of debugging flow
https://www.ntietz.com/blog/how-i-debug-2023 , do the debugging in the professional way
https://playbook.samaltman.com , I may have read this before, but now it gives me much more encouragement.
https://www.mayank.co/blog/declarative-shadow-dom-guide , The Shadow DOM scores another point.
https://papereditor.app/dev , It has inspired me in two aspects, one is that true minimalism is not feasible, and the other is how to balance between native and non-native.
https://nat.org , I like the "some things I believe" part.
https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/java-comments-reduce-technical-debt , Writing comments first, perhaps a new paradigm for coding.
https://web.dev/articles/indexeddb , great article to learn about indexeddb
https://blog.yitianshijie.net/quotes , Included are some words that people who respect themselves would say.
https://blog.yitianshijie.net/2024/03/21/tech-dystopia-genealogy , Recommend some books.
https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2024/03/12/infinite-library-problem , Read textbooks first
https://time.com/6837151/therapists-respond-insults , learn in hard conversation, how to prompt human better
https://guzey.com/rare-talent , An article like this offers comfort by letting you know that you're not alone.
https://www.sfwa.org/2011/12/14/guest-post-how-i-went-from-writing-2000-words-a-day-to-10000-words-a-day , provides a great example of how to increase the amount of writing, "amount matters"
https://zhengdongwang.com/2023/06/27/why-transformative-ai-is-really-really-hard-to-achieve.html , For the viewpoint on the speed of AI development, it's a good hedge.
https://www.kalzumeus.com/standing-invitation , Encourage others to initiate contact with you more often.
https://longform.asmartbear.com/perseverance , When should one pivot?
https://ralphammer.com/is-it-worth-the-trouble , "Permanent rebellion is the only way to be present in the world.", "we should find freedom here and now, not in eternity.", "try not to live as good as possible but as much as possible."
https://levels.io/contact , From a cruel perspective, it is correct.
https://garyvaynerchuk.com/instagram-for-business-180-strategy-grow-business-brand , An interesting way to explore human relationships on social media.
https://huyenchip.com/2024/03/14/ai-oss.html , Very good analysis of open source projects about AI.
https://nuejs.org/blog/tailwind-misinformation-engine , Very good neutralization of the tailwind frenzy
https://ronjeffries.com/xprog/articles/practices/pracsimplest , "Do the simplest thing that could possibly work" is a good principle
https://nonint.com/2023/06/10/the-it-in-ai-models-is-the-dataset , It's an interesting perspective that suggests people who share the same environment will become similar individuals
https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/you-are-what-you-read , We read to be inspired, not just to remember
https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2023/offline-is-online-with-extreme-latency , "Offline: 30 seconds to days of latency (until you sync back online)"
https://rentry.co/GPT2 , Interesting reasoning
https://www.fromjason.xyz/p/notebook/firechat-was-a-tool-for-revolution-then-it-disappeared , The technology usage is interesting
https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/30/on-chinas-instagram-women-find-a-space-to-share-the-routine-and-taboo , Different perspectives to look at this platform
https://pketh.org/decade-of-inspiration.html , About inspiration, a very good example
https://jamesclear.com/great-speeches/inventing-on-principle-by-bret-victor , I am familiar with the concept of discussing real-time updates
https://martinbaun.com/blog/posts/action-breeds-clarity-2 , "learn by doing", "just in time learning"
https://www.noemamag.com/we-need-to-rewild-the-internet , From an ecological perspective, it is very interesting to look at the Internet. Yes, perhaps we should have measures like a national forest park for the Internet
https://harpers.org/archive/1932/10/in-praise-of-idleness , People should have leisure
https://idlewords.com/2005/04/dabblers_and_blowhards.htm , I believe comparing coding to drawing is a mistake; it's more akin to carpentry
https://idlewords.com/talks/internet_with_a_human_face.htm , Understand a more comprehensible perspective on privacy protection
https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-perplexity-builds-product , I was surprised by how I could ask GPT-3 for advice on running a company
https://dev.to/perssondennis/answers-to-common-nextjs-questions-1oki , Valuable insights on React app routing
https://keygen.sh/blog/your-14-day-free-trial-aint-gonna-cut-it , The discussion on whether to offer a free trial or implement a paywall was very inspiring
https://dev.to/perssondennis/react-anti-patterns-and-best-practices-dos-and-donts-3c2g , A well-structured checklist for writing React functional components
https://towardsdatascience.com/how-i-won-singapores-gpt-4-prompt-engineering-competition-34c195a93d41 , It's beneficial to observe the expertise of the prompt master
https://austinhenley.com/blog/intellicode.html , The cool conclusion comes from the design research of AI programming interfaces
https://ui.dev/why-react-query , the ending of this article is great, React Query is not a fetch library
https://www.debugbear.com/blog/counting-chrome-extensions , amazing article about the extension market
https://stack.convex.dev/caching-in , "Don’t think about caching"
https://blog.nateliason.com/p/de-atomization-is-the-secret-to-happiness , "Atomization" is a great concept, as is "De-Atomization"
https://longform.asmartbear.com/exponential-growth , Very good content has given me a more realistic understanding of the connotation of exponential growth (not just from the 'exponential' itself)
https://www.anthropic.com/research/mapping-mind-language-model , Explore the internal structure of language models
https://noahkagan.com/brutally-honest-career-advice-to-my-younger-self , Advice for young
https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2018/04/28/meta , I think this is somewhat inspiring, but I haven't really understood it yet
https://hiandrewquinn.github.io/til-site/posts/doing-is-normally-distributed-learning-is-log-normal , A large amount of work is a way to eliminate future uncertainty
https://gwern.net/bitcoin-is-worse-is-better , The similarity between Bitcoin and Unix is amusing
https://testing.googleblog.com/2024/05/dont-dry-your-code-prematurely.html , "with time, it will clearly indicate the need for a well-considered abstraction"
https://notes.eatonphil.com/2025-05-30-how-i-run-book-clubs.html , I learned a lot about building a knowledge-sharing group from this article
https://dreamsongs.com/WIB.html , This is how JavaScript succeeds and also how it seems to fail
https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx , I choose to learn this
https://world.hey.com/dhh/why-i-retired-from-the-tech-crusades-107a51ea , "the best things in life are free, the second best things are very expensive"
https://seths.blog/2024/06/are-you-pitching-or-are-you-asking , "Are you pitching or are you asking?"
https://hulry.com/yutori , "yutori" kind of like leisure
https://sashachapin.substack.com/p/50-things-i-know , they are good
https://bigthink.com/the-well/dusking-end-addiction-light , If we need some time to daydream, dusk is a good choice
https://collabfund.com/blog/a-few-thoughts-on-spending-money , "Unspent money buys something intangible but valuable"
https://www.builder.io/blog/micro-agent , Builder.io always does the bare minimum to be useful
https://seths.blog/2024/07/the-lazy-jugglers , just great
https://seths.blog/2024/06/the-pinocchio-protocol , "And few people would start smoking if the deposits on their lungs ended up on their face instead."
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40844727 , already know product hunt should consider as an seo tool instead of a product bootstrap tool, but this article is a good reminder
https://eslint.org/blog/2024/07/whats-coming-next-for-eslint , the refactoring observer of eslint looks very interesting
https://www.latepost.com/news/dj_detail?id=280 , great thoughts from pingduoduo's founder
https://vorpus.org/blog/notes-on-structured-concurrency-or-go-statement-considered-harmful , inspiring ideas about concurrency
https://longform.asmartbear.com/procrastinate , "Whatever the cost of putting off duties, burn-out is even more costly."
https://world.hey.com/jason/directional-decisions-22bcd41c , do one thing, so we don't have to worry about the other hundred things
https://annas-archive.org/blog/critical-window.html , glad they exist
https://blog.wildcat.io/2024/08/i-m-back-rails , maybe the js ecosystem needs to learn a little bit from the ruby ecosystem
https://akkartik.name/post/programming-2024 , inspiring article about programming
https://seths.blog/2024/08/multiple-choice , '"None of the above" is often the best option.'
https://seths.blog/2024/08/mediocrity-and-perfectionism , "Don't ship junk, but ship."
https://sspai.com/post/91338 , how to cook rice
https://tekin.co.uk/2021/01/how-atomic-commits-make-you-a-better-coder , a reminder to make small commits, likened to jack's ability to lift, which relies not on a single success, but on persistence and avoiding failure
https://programmingisterrible.com/post/139222674273/write-code-that-is-easy-to-delete-not-easy-to , everything may be self-explanatory, but clearly writing it out is still greatly beneficial
https://blog.nateliason.com/p/losing-10-million , find it fascinating to watch developments in the cryptocurrency space, as they often involve unconventional and innovative approaches to finance
https://selftaughtcoders.com/how-to-quickly-and-effectively-read-other-peoples-code , the word "rinse" really says something about the nature of learning
https://blog.codinghorror.com/learn-to-read-the-source-luke , the way it emphasizes 'we must read the source code' is amazing.
https://www.stilldrinking.org/ai-is-not-the-problem, developers are just another level of knowledge engine. It used to be google, now it's chatgpt.
https://meltingasphalt.com/a-codebase-is-an-organism - such a good article, such a great metaphor
https://koliber.com/articles/o-zero , it's like bringing zero back to the world of algorithms
https://playpermissionless.substack.com/p/higher-vibrations , "vibrations" is a great concept to understand relationships and other things
https://sspai.com/post/91803 , actually a good article about Xianyu
https://laike9m.com/blog/tui-yan-du-li-kai-fa-chan-pin-wo-zuo-liao-na-xie-chang-shi,159 , Real-life experience about promoting a product
https://hulry.com/firesides/purposeful-life , find the one sentence that makes the whole problem seem small
https://seths.blog/2024/08/omitting-the-herbs , art is better than perfection
https://longform.asmartbear.com/scale , this article can serve as a good hedge, but I do not agree with it, nor do I need to agree with this negative philosophy. When I believe in it, problems find me. When I don't believe in it and view it as a problem, solutions find me
https://seths.blog/2024/09/your-audiobook , podcast just for myself
https://longform.asmartbear.com/authentic, similar to the article 'omitting-the-herbs' , make it more authentic
https://longform.asmartbear.com/ramen-profitable , what does "profitable" mean? This article gives a good answer
https://guzey.com/ai/ai-views-every-year , very inspiring about current ai abilities
https://guzey.com/writing-advice , writing advice from writer I like, what's more to say?
https://www.talkhouse.com/lou-reed-of-the-velvet-underground-talks-kanye-wests-yeezus , rarely, there is one article that really tells the music from a feeling perspective, and it fits so well
https://adamwathan.me/journal/2020/12/29/2020-year-in-review , what a year, it’s the miracle year for tailwindcss
https://seths.blog/2024/09/feeding-the-algorithm , yes, there are algorithms, and there is your own algorithm
https://climate.benjames.io/someone-is-going-to-dim-the-sun , feel surprised about the cost of changing the climate of the entire planet
https://climate.benjames.io/solar-off-grid , this article lifted my optimism about solar power to another level
https://world.hey.com/dhh/passwords-have-problems-but-passkeys-have-more-95285df9, log in with magic links, but also support passwords
https://sspai.com/post/91911 , good guide for reading ingredient lists
https://www.granola.so/blog/announcement , "Before Granola, the point of writing notes was to capture information. In Granola, the point of writing notes is to point the AI at what's important."
https://seths.blog/2024/09/when-did-we-lose-consciousness , the process of a person entering a coma can take from 1 to 10 years
https://fathy.fr/carbonyl , this is his first rust project...
https://jesseduffield.com/Lazygit-5-Years-On , great documentation about lazygit from the creator himself
https://www.tabletmag.com/feature/american-vulcan-palmer-luckey-anduril , the first half is very interesting
https://www.piratewires.com/p/choose-good-quests , "choose good quests", a similar idea to "choose the right question to ask"
https://docs.double.bot/blog/pivot , nice article about double.bot's pivot
https://seths.blog/2024/09/banana-equivalents , "banana equivalents" is a good concept
https://log.alia.fyi/entry/sabotage , you won't die if you do something
https://simonwillison.net/2024/Sep/15/how-to-succeed-in-mrbeast-production , the article helped me find a great book about mrbeast
https://rubyonrails.org/doctrine , it influenced me a lot
https://kk.org/thetechnium/1000-true-fans , read many old articles recently, some of them should have influenced me more deeply, they didn't is a pity
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/thc4RemfLcM5AdJDa/skills-from-a-year-of-purposeful-rationality-practice , amazingly useful article
https://darioamodei.com/machines-of-loving-grace , a great article about the impact of abundant intelligence
https://waitbutwhy.com/2024/10/spacex-toddler.html , article about spacex's recent amazing progress
https://moontower.substack.com/p/the-virus-with-no-vaccine , article about language
https://sahillavingia.com/god , "founder mode" is already outdated, "god mode" is all you need
https://nabeelqu.co/reflections-on-palantir , amazing article about palantir
https://nabeelqu.co/principles , great principles
https://nabeelqu.co/advice , great advice
https://nabeelqu.co/understanding , the honesty of understanding
https://jxnl.github.io/blog/writing/2024/01/11/anatomy-of-a-tweet , a great way to present the growth of account details
https://www.justinmath.com/your-mathematical-potential-has-a-limit-but-its-likely-higher-than-you-think , talk about math and iq
https://simonwillison.net/2024/Oct/21/claude-artifacts , it's so cool
https://sspai.com/post/93225 , a real account of food delivery
https://cybernetist.com/2024/03/11/importance-of-getting-the-foundations-right , "foundation matters"
https://cybernetist.com/2022/01/01/a-few-counterintuitive-ideas , very inspiring
https://www.readwriteinvest.com/p/twitter-threads-archive-2024 , very interesting writing format
https://cybernetist.com/2023/11/05/some-career-advice-for-engineers , very useful advice
https://dynomight.net/arithmetic , "arithmetic" is a good tool
https://seths.blog/2024/10/boring-to-who , know the gap between you and a non-professional
https://fhur.me/posts/2024/thats-not-an-abstraction , a clean defination of abstraction
https://oasis-model.github.io , amazing experience