Cool message queue server uses HTTP Gateway
- You need to contact our contributors to configure consumers in restQ, so that restQ can deliver your request to the producer you want
- Instead of sending a request directly to an endpoint, you can send it to restQ, restQ will queue it and will send the request to the endpoint.
- Example:
- You send request to endpoint:
- You send request to restQ:
- You send request to endpoint:
1. is_callback
, postback_url
is_callback = 0
: not wait for returningis_callback = 1 (default)
:postback_url is empty (default)
: wait for the result to return itselfpostback_url is not empty
: wait for the result to return it to postback_url
2. priority
: Priority of request.
- 0 is default
- Value is between 0 and 99
- larger numbers indicate higher priority
2. delay
: Delay time in seconds. 0 is default