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Intelligent security pipeline for Node.js applications

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🛡️ GuardRail.js

Your intelligent security co-pilot for Node.js applications

npm version License: MIT

🌟 Why GuardRail.js?

Think of GuardRail.js as your personal security guard, working 24/7 to protect your Node.js applications from vulnerabilities, attacks, and common security oversights. Just as a physical guardrail prevents vehicles from going off course, GuardRail.js keeps your application safely on track.

✨ Features

🔍 Real-time Protection

  • SQL Injection Shield - Advanced protection against database attacks
  • XSS Guardian - Comprehensive Cross-Site Scripting prevention
  • CSRF Barrier - Robust Cross-Site Request Forgery protection

🚀 Automated Security

  • CI/CD Integration - Seamless GitHub Actions workflow
  • Dependency Scanning - Real-time vulnerability checking
  • Security Reports - Detailed, actionable insights

🛠️ Developer Experience

  • Easy Setup - Get started in minutes
  • Clear Documentation - Comprehensive guides and examples
  • Active Community - Regular updates and support

🏃‍♂️ Quick Start

# Install GuardRail.js
npm install guardrail-js

# Initialize security pipeline
npx guardrail init

# Run security checks
npm run security:scan

🎯 Usage

const guardrail = require('guardrail-js');

// Initialize protection
  app: expressApp,
  level: 'strict',
  reporting: true

// Run security scan
const results = await guardrail.scan();

🏗️ Project Architecture

├── .github/                     # GitHub specific configurations
   ├── workflows/               # GitHub Actions workflows
      └── security.yml         # Main security pipeline
   └── dependabot.yml           # Dependency update configuration

├── config/   
   └── security.js   

├── security-tests/              # Security testing suite
   ├── sql-injection.js         # SQL injection prevention tests
   └── xss.js                   # XSS prevention tests

├── scripts/                      # Utility scripts
   └── generate-security-report.js  # Security report generator

├── reports/                     # Generated reports directory
   └──       # Latest security scan report

├── src/                         # Source code
   ├── middleware.js            
   ├── headers.js  
   ├── monitoring.js              
   └── index.js                 # Main entry point

├── .eslintrc-security.json      # Security-focused ESLint rules
├── package.json                 # Project dependencies and scripts
└──                    # Project documentation

🔄 Pipeline Flow

Pipeline Flow

🛠️ Technical Stack

Runtime: Node.js ≥ 18

Testing: Jest + Supertest

Security: Helmet, Express-rate-limit

CI/CD: GitHub Actions

Reporting: Custom markdown generator

Static Analysis: ESLint + security plugins

📊 Security Dashboard

$ npm run security:report

🛡️ GuardRail.js Security Report
✅ Dependencies: All Clear
✅ Security Tests: 24/24 Passed
✅ Code Analysis: No Vulnerabilities

🤝 Contributing

We believe in the power of community! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. 🍴 Fork the repository
  2. 🌿 Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. 💾 Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. 📤 Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. 🎁 Open a Pull Request

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

👤 Author


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

⭐ Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

📝 Note

Make sure to properly configure your machine learning model and vectorizer files before deployment.


Intelligent security pipeline for Node.js applications






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