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Case Study: Tastey Bytes - Recipe Site Track Analysis 🚧


     This situation-based project, involves applying data science techniques to solve a real-world problem: predicting recipts will drive more website traffic.
     In this project, recipe data is provied, and the business Tasty Bytes needs to understand what types of recipes attract high website traffic. The business also requested a perdiction model that help them figure out whether a particular recipe will drive up website traffic.

**** per DataCamp's request: the project notebook is not shown since it is relevant to part of the exam.


     Data Processing, Data Cleaning, EDA, Data Visualization, Supervised Learning.

How I approached this Project:

  • Data analysis : data cleaning, feature engineering, feature selection.
  • EDA
  • Data Visualization
  • Model development: identity the the problem and pick 3 situable algorithms for this situation and performed grid search to find the algorithm meet business requriement. and evaluate it with new recipe.


     Due requriement from DataCamp, as this project is part of the exam. only the presentataion slide are shown here.