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Stochastic Queuing Simulation
Release v0.1

1. Introduction

BigHouse targets specifically to investigate issues of data center design at scale.  At its core, Bighouse is a methodology for system characterization and discrete-event simulation to enable quantitative exploration of data center-level challenges, such as performance optimization, power provisioning, power management, distributed data placement, and fault-tolerant design. 

2. Platforms

BigHouse is developed under Mac OS and Linux in Java and Python.  BigHouse should run out-of-box on these platforms, given the requirements are fulfilled.  

2.1  Platform requirements for a local experiment

Only Java installation is required to run a local experiment.  We tested the code with Java 1.6.0.  Versions too early might not work as the code uses RMI functions, but later versions should be OK.  Both OpenJDK and Sun Java works.  However, we recommend that you use the default OpenJDK package in your distro.  

2.2  Platform requirements for a distributed experiment

For a distributed experiment, in addition to having Java installed on master and all slave servers, you also need Python 2.6+ and JPype for master server. Debian package name for JPype is "python-jpype".  Or you can install it from source.  (  We used version 

You MUST set the environmental variable JAVA_HOME (commonly /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk) before running distributed Bighouse, because JPype relies on this env to start JVM.  For bash, use: 
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk"

2.3  Quick reference for Ubuntu 10.04 or later

Execute the following commands on Ubuntu 10.04+ will immediately finish your software setup for a single machine.  

apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk ant python-jpype

Remember to set JAVA_HOME on master before starting a distributed BigHouse experiment.  

2.4  Windows

Running under Windows is unsupported and untested.  Since Java, Python and JPype are cross-platform, a local experiment could be possibly run under Windows without too many modifications.  However, BigHouse uses scp to copy files to target servers.  Windows users have to change "" to manage transferring and starting Java instances on slave machines.  

3. Compile the code

To compile, run: "ant"

Compilation works the same for local and distributed experiment.  We prepared build.xml to compile a local experiment (powercap.jar).  It will also compile necessary executables for distributed experiments (master.jar, slave.jar).  You need to modify build.xml to compile other local experiments.  Or you can import the project into any IDEs you prefer.  

4. Run local experiment example

We prepared a local power capping experiment as an example.  The example takes three inputs: workload directory, workload name, and number of servers.  Workloads are all located under workload directory.

After you compile the local experiment, You can run the compiled experiment with:
"java -jar powercap.jar ./ csedns 100"
This experiment uses csedns as workload, and simulates a power capping experiment with 100 servers.  It will output average response time and its 95 percentile. 

Optionally, you can use Python to run a local experiment.  Please refer to 2.2 for the software setup.  To run the Python experiment, execute:

The Java and Python code perform the same experiment.  Every experiment has three phases: warm up, calibration and steady state simulaton.  BigHouse periodically outputs checkpoint information.  Once stats converge, results are displayed at the end.  

If the code runs correctly and you do not plan to run experiments on a cluster, you can directly skip to section 6.  

5. Run distributed experiment example

Simulation can take a long time if your datacenter configuration is huge.  Bighouse provides a framework to run the experiment on multiple servers. is provided to assist your setup and launch simulations.  

Usage: ./ <setup|kill|copy|run> <machineconfig> [experimentconfig]
	- setup: setup auto-ssh connection
	- kill: kill all running slave.jar, rmiregistry processes
	- copy: push binaries from master to slaves without running the simulation
	- run: run the simulation
	- default experimentconfig is

Follow these instructions for first-time setup: 
1) ssh into master, where you want to launch BigHouse. JPype must be installed and JAVA_HOME must be properly set on master.  
2) Write a machine config file. You can find a sample machine.cfg in root directory. 
3) Setup autossh across slaves. The master should be able to silently log on to all slaves via ssh and execute commands. You can run "./ setup machine.cfg" to setup autossh. You can use "./ copy machine.cfg" to test autossh functionality. 

Once your servers are configured, you can compile your code (Section 2), and run the experiment with 
1) "./ run machine.cfg" will start the example experiment defined in  Please refer to if you want to change experiment parameters (e.g. statistic targets, datacenter configurations, etc).
2) You can use "./ kill machine.cfg" to cleanup if necessary. 

During the experiment, master first pings all slaves to make sure they are online.  If exception occurs at this stage, simply rerun the script.  
After online checking, master starts its experiment, run warm up samples, calibrate the experiment and finally enters steady state, just as running a local experiment.  Then it distributes its current state to all slaves, and each slave begins running the experiment using different seeds.  All checkpoint information is displayed on the screen.  When the simulation finishes, "Final Statistics" section will contain SOJOURN_TIME and TOTAL_CAPPING results.  

6. Development and Debugging

The local power capping experiment is located in /src/experiments/  Start by understanding the Java source code.  If you don't plan to run experiments on multiple machines, it's not necessary to use the Python interface.  

Once you've done debugging the Java class and decided to run experiments on multiple machines, it should be straight forward to port it to a Python file.  Please refer to next section.  

Python serves two purposes in BigHouse: 
1) Distribute and run the experiment on multiple machines (
2) Easier scripting (

Due to limitation of JPype's exception handling, it won't produce the correct traceback when an exception occurs.  In addition, during development, it's not necessary to run the code on multiple machines.  Therefore, development is always done in Java.  

Sample Java classes are provided in src/experiments folder, and the Java counterpart of is  A local experiment and a Python port are also provided for reference.  

7. Porting a Java experiment to Python

JPype directly invokes Java methods in Python.  Therefore, porting a Java experiment to Python is quite easy.  Follow these steps:
1) Import jar files and packages.  These formats are specified by JPype, and is required for invoking Java methods.  
2) Port the createExperiment() method to Python.  It's mostly copy and paste, as Python code should follow exactly the same procedure to create an experiment.  In case some data type conversion is required, please refer to:
3) For a local experiment, you need to create an experiment instance and call run().  You also need to manage the result output.  (Again, duplicate your Java code).  For a distributed experiment, you only need to replace createExperiment() in, and the rest of the script takes care of warming up the experiment on the master, distribute it to slaves and collect results.