Experimenting with copernicus, the long-awaited GPU texture/shader context of Houdini. The main purpose of this repo is to show various approaches for learning purposes.
Do not hesitate to reach or PR nodes that others could learn from.
This is an almost 1/1 copy of the OSL version for 3DSMax by Zap Anderson (osl source code), it outputs color, bump, ID and opacity

This is very slow for now compared to the built-in gaussian blur.
The main idea is to use a float4
as sigma
, allowing to blur each channels (supports RGBA) independently.
For convenience, it also has a global float
sigma multiplier.

Naive glow, like the edge detection this should yield better results if done in multiple kernels (for instance extract highlights, blur,pasteback). Keeping it for reference too.

An (approximative) openCL implementation of this blog post