Speedy C++ SNMP Scanner [IN PROGRESS]
SNMPSniper is based on onesixtyone (https://github.com/trailofbits/onesixtyone), i can say that i learned a lot by looking at their code. If you want to learn how to interact with SNMP using C i would go read their code since it's much simpler than the one here.
I redesigned most of it using the OOP of C++, but there is still a lot of similarities, in what the functions actually does.
USAGE: SNMPSniper [OPTIONS] <host> <community>
-h <host> IPv4 or Netmask to scan
-o <outputdirectory> save scan output
-f <fileinput> list of targets
-p <port> target snmp port
-v verbose mode
-c <communityname> (public or private)
-? print this help menu
default community names are : public, private
default port : 161
examples : snmpscan private
snmpscan public -o snmpoutput.txts
snmpscan public -f snmptargets.txt -o snmpoutput.txt