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Spell Book

A collection of scripts and dotfiles I like to keep handy.

Spells: Scritps to be run by hand or through a keybind.

Cantrips: Cantrips are scripts lauched from dmenu using the menu.

  • displayselect - Configure multi monitors
  • draw - draw terminals
  • emoji - Give dmenu list of all unicode characters to copy. Shows the selected character in dunst if running.
  • free-nitro - I don't feel like paying discord, so I just store emoji gifs and quickly copy them to the clipboard to paste in chat. 😎
  • game - Launch steam games from /comfy/ dmenu/fzf/tofi
  • mconlinelist - Send a notification with the list of online players in a minecraft server
  • menu - The menu used to find and launch the cantrips
  • quickbrowser - Launches vimb with one of the bookmarks
  • rename-ws - Dynamic [i3|bspwm|herbstluftwm] workspace renamer
  • trayer - trayer launcher
  • youtube - Launches the music player controled using m

Runes: Static configuration files

Scrolls: Instalation scripts Mostly untested

  • autologin - Setup auto login with or without password
  • basicWF - Sets up my basic workflow, install packages, configures some other packages.
  • calendar - Configure khal using vdirsyncer
  • dmenu - Install my custom build of dmenu
  • fix-dns-home - Fix my home dns resolution, basically sets the primary dns provider to the gateway and sets the secondary dns provider to (cloudflare)
  • fix-ssh-permissions
  • gestures - Enable gestures to switch workspace
  • lutris - Install lutris and all the dependencies needed for battle net, assuming nvidia
  • packages - List of important packages
  • spotify-adblock - Install a hacky addblock for spotify
  • theme - Setup the artim-dark theme
  • thinkpad


.dotfiles of a computer wizard






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Contributors 4
