Created by Samuel Sanft and Merritt Zhang.
Our code requires the following python libraries:
- Only for testingcoverage
- Only for testing
These can be installed using pip:
pip install flask pytest coverage
The server can be run by running
. The program takes two command line arguments, a path to a valid database (some sample databases are included in example_dbs/
) and an open port.
Running python -h
will display the necessary arguments.
Example run command: python example_dbs/reg.sqlite 3000
Once the server is online, the web application can be accessed at localhost:<port>
The following pages can be accessed from the navbar.
- Home - the Home page contains a list of tables in the database. Clicking on one will bring the user to that table's page.
- Table - Each table has it's own page that can be accessed from the home menu or the dropdown menu under tables. From this page a user can view the rows and columns in a table, edit, delete or insert a row. (Attempting to edit multiple rows at a time could have unintended consequences).
- Join - This table allows a user to execute and view join commands. First the user must select a primary table. Then the user selects a table to join onto the primary table. The user must select a column from the first table and a column from the second table on which to perform the join. Pressing join will execute the command and display the results in the right pane. A user can perform multiple joins by pressing the Add Table button. Pressing the Remove button will remove the extra join. (Known bug: If a user adds a form for a second join, removes it, and then adds it again, then the data in the columns selectors will become unresponsive and not update to match the corresponding tables).
Testing can be run using the following command:
python -m pytest
To perform stress tests with timing:
python -m pytest --run-stress --durations=0
To perform coverage testing run:
python -m coverage run -m pytest
After running coverage testing:
python -m coverage report
to view coverage report in terminal.
python -m coverage html
to generate coverage report viewable in browser (located at htmlcov/