After users have added the necessary files to Unity, they should create a venv directory inside the project folder. Then should install the required libraries into this venv directory. You can find the libraries that need to be installed in the file named "required_versions.png". Make sure you followed Setup Steps. It only works on certain versions of Python and Protobuf!
For more information and setup tutorial: (recommend you to watch it)
More information about Imitation Learning: (recommend you to watch it)
This project involves an artificial intelligence developed using Unity's ML-Agents library, Python, and PyTorch. The goal is to teach an AI model how to drive a car within a Unity environment. In this project, Istanbul Park was used as the track. This report details the project's requirements, literature review, reinforcement learning algorithm, setup steps, ML-Agents components, different project sections, and results. It emphasizes the importance of using libraries like ML-Agents in the field of artificial intelligence.
The objective of this project is to develop an AI model trained in a Unity environment to teach it how to drive a car. This report discusses the project's requirements, literature review, reinforcement learning algorithm, setup steps, ML-Agents components, various sections of the project, and results in detail. It also examines the training processes and achievements. This work underscores the significance of using libraries like ML-Agents in AI applications.
Python 3.9.13
Visual Studio
ML-Agents Library
Python 3.9.13: A general-purpose, high-level, interactive programming language known for its simple and readable syntax. It is modular and has a wide standard library, making it useful in various fields.
PyTorch: An open-source machine learning library based on Python.
Unity: A game engine used for developing games and graphic applications.
ML-Agents Library: An open-source project providing environments for training agents in games and simulations using reinforcement learning methods with a Python API. It supports PyTorch-based applications and can be used for controlling NPC behaviors and automatic game testing.
In reinforcement learning, an agent interacts with its environment, performs certain actions, and receives rewards or penalties based on the outcomes. The following are key components illustrated in the reinforcement learning model:
Agent: The AI that makes decisions, learns, selects actions, and aims to maximize rewards.
Environment: The simulation environment with which the agent interacts and receives feedback from.
State: Represents the environment's condition or the agent's observation at time t.
Action: The action chosen by the agent at time t.
Reward: The reward the agent receives at time t+1 based on its action.
Next State: The resulting state of the environment after the agent's action.
Open the command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
Create a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other Python projects.
Activate the virtual environment.
Ensure pip is up to date.
Install the ML-Agents package.
Install PyTorch and related libraries.
Install protobuf 3.20.3 for faster data transfer.
Install the packaging library to simplify creating, distributing, and versioning Python packages.
Open the Unity project and activate the ML-Agents package from the Package Manager.
Create an empty object in Unity and ensure ML-Agents is active.
Behavior Parameters: Used to configure agents' behaviors and learning processes.
Buffer Sensor: Stores and processes various data types.
Camera Sensor: Uses camera images to capture visual data from the game world.
Decision Requester: Allows agents to request decisions as needed.
Demonstration Recorder: Records human gameplay for training purposes.
Grid Sensor: Used in grid-based games to perceive the environment.
Match 3 Actuator: Performs actions in Match 3 style games (e.g., Candy Crush).
Match 3 Sensor: Detects the game state in Match 3 style games.
Ray Perception Sensor 2D/3D: Detects objects in 2D/3D environments. (We are going to use this.)
Render Texture Sensor: Provides data using render textures.
Vector Sensor: Provides environment data using specific vector information.
Vehicle controls are accessed by assigning inputs from another code to the agent's movements. Behavior Parameters manage whether the agent is controlled by a user and other settings.
The agent starts learning upon running the Unity project. The trained brain is stored in the project directory. Copy the brain from the results folder to the Assets folder to make it available in Unity. Assign the brain to the agent in the Behavior Parameters component.
When the agent reaches a checkpoint, the next one is activated. The reward for each checkpoint increases progressively. The agent restarts upon reaching the final checkpoint or hitting a wall.
A pre-designed track with frequent checkpoints was created to facilitate the agent's learning process. Each checkpoint activates the next one upon contact.
Used on the agent to detect objects like checkpoints and walls.
Imitation learning allows the agent to replicate pre-recorded human behaviors. Necessary observations were added to help the agent understand the target's direction.
Config Folder: Contains a .yaml file named MoveToTarget, allowing modification of parameters necessary for training. The location of the demo file is specified here.
Demos Folder: Stores user-recorded behaviors with a .demo extension.
A new observation was added to the code to collect the agent's direction vector relative to the target using this code.
Vector3 dirToTarget = (target.transform.localPosition - transform.localPosition).normalized; sensor.AddObservation(dirToTarget);
The Demonstration Recorder component of ML-Agents records user behaviors. Recording is started by checking the box next to the "Record" label.
After inputting correct parameters and reward/penalty amounts, the agent starts moving. Initially, the agent moves in circles but learns to move straight and turn over time. A best lap time of 3:55:665 was achieved after 33 training rounds.
In the initial training without modifying the reward and penalty system, the agent received penalties for steering and reversing.
In a different setup where the agent did not receive penalties for steering and reversing, the results were improved.
By adjusting the agent's speed and road grip when off-track without changing the reward and penalty system, better results were achieved.
Training Method Time
1 Old Reward/Penalty System 3:16:332
2 New Reward/Penalty System 2:53:333
3 Speed and Road Grip Adjustments 2:46:666