A repository containing the implementation of the paper entitled The ROAD to discovery: machine learning-driven anomaly detection in radio astronomy spectrograms
Install conda environment by:
conda create --name road python=3.9.7
Run conda environment by:
conda activate road
Install the appropriate pytorch version:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=<VERSION> -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install dependancies by running:
pip install -r requirements
You will need to download the ROAD dataset and specify the its path using -data_path
command line option.
Run the following to replicate the results for the resnet34 used in the paper
or to run for all backbones
Alternatively the model weights can be downloaded and specified using the -model_name
and -model_path
The labelling interface is based on label-studio. To get the label server running for the LOFAR_AD project, run the following:
label-studio start LOFAR_AD --sampling uniform &
./webserver /home/mmesarcik/data/LOFAR/compressed/LOFAR_AD/LOFAR_AD_v1/ *.png files 8081
Source code of ROAD is licensed under the MIT License.