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About Me

Hello, I'm Mesut, a fullstack developer. With a background in mechanical engineering, I honed my skills in solving complex problems and analytical thinking. Driven by my passion for software development, I now create user-friendly and efficient web applications using both backend and frontend technologies. Embracing continuous learning and innovation, I strive to take my projects to the next level. As I continue to grow and contribute in this field, my interest in new technologies keeps me motivated every day.I document the progress of my projects here.
Happy coding!👩‍💻


Connect with me:

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Languages and Tools:

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

My projects

Project Name Libraries and Technologies I use How does my project look
Rent A Car Project-MERN-03 NodeJS, MongoDB, MUI, React,React-Redux gifproje
Hotel Booking-MERN-02 React Redux, Material Ui,NodeJS,MongoDB,Express, Formik, Yup projegif2
StokApp-MERN-01 React Redux , MUI,NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, React gif3
STOCKAPP API-BE-08 Email, MongoDB, Express, NodeMailer,Permission
HOTEL API-BE-07 SwaggerUI,NodeJS,MongoDB,Express, Token, JWT
RENT A CAR API-BE-06 NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, Authorization,Distinct
PIZZA API(With JWT)-BE-05 Upload, JWT,NodeJS,MongoDB,Express,Bearer, Token
PIZZA API-BE-04 NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, Logs
BLOG API-BE-03 Search,Sorting, Cookie,Filter,Session
PERSONNEL API(With Token)-BE-02 NodeJS,MongoDB,Express, Token, Logging
PERSONNEL API-BE-01 Dotenv ,NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, Error Handling
ADD-TUTORIAL-RC-09 Bootstrap5 ,Filtering,UseState,Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactIcons GifRc9
TOUR APPOİNTMENT-RC-08 Bootstrap5 ,Filtering,UseState, Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc8
HOSPITAL APPOINTMENT-RC-07 Bootstrap5 ,UseState, Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc7
NBA LEGENDS-RC-06(With Redux) Bootstrap5 ,UseState, Ternary, React-Redux, ContexApi GifRc6
NBA LEGENDS-RC-05 Bootstrap5 ,Filtering,UseState, Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc5
LANGUAGE CARDS-RC-04 Bootstrap5 ,Filtering,UseState, Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc4
PRODUCT LIST-RC-03 Javascript ,Filtering,Sass, Css3, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc3
POPULAR TOURS-RC-02 Css-Flexbox ,Css Animations,CSS-Grid-Layout, Sass-Framework, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc2
HOROSCOPE-RC-01 Bootstrap5 ,Filtering,UseState, Ternary, Props Drilling, ReactJs GifRc1



Popular repositories Loading

  1. html-css-projects html-css-projects Public

    This repository contains some small-scale, basic level projects I worked on when I first started learning HTML and CSS.

    HTML 1

  2. python-project python-project Public

    this repository for my python project


  3. it-fundamentals it-fundamentals Public


  4. html-css-project-1 html-css-project-1 Public

    Html-Css (Basic Codes)


  5. html-css-project-2 html-css-project-2 Public

    This project demonstrates the use of various CSS form elements for educational purposes. The project includes examples of styling different form elements such as text inputs, radio buttons, checkbo…


  6. form-examples form-examples Public
