beSolitair is
- An attempt at creating a solitair/spider implementation
- An opportunity to try vite-js
- An opportunity to learn a few things
You can have a look at the progress here
- render cards and decks
- generate cards and decks for spider
- single click : pick first possible move
- add tests
- implements all the rules :
- check sequential same suite for big move
- distribute remaining cards only if all decks are filled
- handle multiple suites, can only move block of same suite
- check you completed a suite
- check you won
- if won then celebrate
- make it pretty and more usable
- animation
- drag and drop
- play card sound
- play radio/music
- handle undo (basic)
- handle hint (highlight possible moves)
- implement auto play with some heuristics
- setup github actions
- add features to ease test
- export game state,
- load nearly solved game
- enabled these feature only in local
- playable with keyboard (use same logic as click)
yarn test
yarn dev
deployment to gh-pages