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πŸ“± Fiori Legacy Apps

This article introduces the method of automatically integrating legacy Fiori apps and the integration configuration of custom Fiori app routes in this project.

Fiori Menus

This project comes with built-in functionality to automatically integrate legacy Fiori Apps from the S4H system. This feature can be enabled or disabled through environment variable configuration.

export const environment: IEnvironment = {
    platform: 'S4H',
    enableFiori: true,
    enableNotification: true,
  • platform: Set the platform type applicable to this project as S4H.
  • enableFiori: Enable or disable Fiori Apps integration; set to true to enable.
  • enableNotification: Enable or disable Fiori notification functionality; set to true to enable.

When enabled, the project will automatically load Legacy Fiori Apps from the current S4H system into the menus. Each application group corresponds to a menu group, and each application corresponds to a submenu item. Clicking on a menu item will open the Fiori App on the page.

Fiori App Routing

If you want to customize the routing of Fiori Apps, you can configure the routes in your routing file, such as routing.ts, as follows:

import { UI5AppComponent } from '@/app/components'
import { Routes } from '@angular/router'

export default [
    path: 'CostingVariant-check',
    title: 'Check Costing Variant',
    component: UI5AppComponent,
    data: {
      key: 'CostingVariant-check',
      icon: 'exclamation-circle', // Optional or others
      queryParams: {
        'sap-ui-tech-hint': 'GUI' // Optional or others
] as Routes
  • path: Route path of the Fiori App, must match the {semanticObject}-{action} of the Fiori App.
  • title: Title of the menu item, can be customized.
  • component: UI5AppComponent, must be set to UI5AppComponent.
  • data: Configuration of the menu item, where icon is the icon of the menu item, and queryParams is the parameters of the Fiori App, which can be set here.
  • key: Unique identifier of the menu item, used for caching identification on the page.

WebGUI App

For Fiori Apps with the technical type WebGUI, it is necessary to configure the route parameter sap-ui-tech-hint as GUI. This will open the application in a separate window; otherwise, the inability to destroy the Session connection in WebGUI applications will prevent the server-side Session from being terminated.

  • When configuring Fiori App Tile, include sap-ui-tech-hint=GUI in the loading parameters.
  • Include the queryParams parameter in the configuration of Fiori App routes.
    data: {
        queryParams: {
            'sap-ui-tech-hint': 'GUI'