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Releases: metatablecatgames/catwork

Release 0.5.0

19 Jul 06:31
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  • Added a check if an object called Await inside it's own Init block
  • Fixed Dispatcher:Await()
  • Added typechecking to most methods
  • Added a timeout warning if an Init block is taking too long
  • Removed storage tables
  • Renamed Fragment to Object and Template to Class
  • Improved performance on task.spawn calls
  • Added update loops

This will eat your lunch, migrate with caution

Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v0.5.0

Version 0.5.0 Release Candidate 1

30 Jun 19:46
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This is the first dev release of Catwork version 0.5.0.

This update WILL break all existing Catwork code due to changes in how objects and services are named.

  • Its best to assume that Fragment was simply renamed to Object, and methods and callbacks were updated to reflect this
    • Use .new, not .Object to make what was considered a Fragment.
  • Storage tables were removed for performance, if you rely on them, please update your code to reflect this
  • DisableTimeout and relevent keys were changed to use a [Catwork.meta KEY] = true system.

A better guide on how to move code over when 0.5.0 is fully released


Version 0.4.4

13 Apr 17:32
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This is the first stable release of Catwork, although v0.4.3 is also pretty much ready, it had a few bugs that weren't addressed.

To use this package, simply download the RBXM and drag it into your Studio install.

NOTE: 0.4.4 on wally has a critical bug, please use 0.4.4-hf1 instead.