A command line program for data preparation. Useful for scripting, scheduling, etc.
No | Action | URL | Method | Content-Type |
1 | Get auth token | /oauth/token | POST | application/json |
2 | Get upload policy | /api/preparationdatasets/file_upload | GET | application/json |
3 | Upload file chunks | /api/preparationdatasets/file_upload | POST | multipart/form-data |
4 | Search data connection | /api/connections/filter | POST | application/json |
5 | Create imported dataset | /api/preparationdatasets | POST | application/json |
6 | Search dataset | /api/preparationdatasets/search | GET | application/json |
7 | Get dataset details | /api/preparationdatasets/{dsId} | GET | application/json |
8 | Get upstream map | /api/preparationdataflows/{dfId}/upstreammap | GET | application/json |
9 | Swap upstream dataset | /api/preparationdataflows/{dfId}/swap_upstream | POST | application/json |
10 | Generate snapshot | /api/preparationdatasets/{dsId}/transform/snapshot | POST | application/json |
11 | Get snapshot details | /api/preparationsnapshots/{ssId} | GET | application/json |
12 | Download snapshot | /api/preparationsnapshots/{ssId}/download | GET | application/json |
13 | Search datasource | /api/datasources/filter | POST | application/json |
14 | Append to datasource | /api/datasources/{id}/append | PUT/PATCH | application/json |
15 | Create dataflow | /api/preparationdataflows | POST | application/json |
16 | Add dataset to dataflow | /api/preparationdataflows/{dfId}/update_datasets | PUT | application/json |
(POST) /oauth/token?grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
access_token | string | o |
(GET) /api/preparationdatasets/file_upload
Name | Type | Description | Note |
upload_id | string | Pre-generated UUID | Submit upload request with this ID. |
limit_size | int | Maximum chunk size | >= 350M |
(POST) /api/preparationdatasets/file_upload
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
name | string | o | File basename | sample.csv |
chunk | int | o | Current chunk index | 0 |
chunks | int | o | Total chunk count | 1 |
storage_type | string | o | LOCAL / HDFS / S3 | LOCAL |
chunk_size | int | o | Chunk size of this request | 135678 |
total_size | int | o | Total upload size in bytes | 135678 |
Name | Type | Description | Note |
storedUri | string | Where the uploaded file is stored | There's nothing like a file key. This is the only identifier for an uploaded file. |
(POST) /api/connections/filter
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
projection | string | o | Projection | list |
page | int | o | Page number | 0 |
size | int | o | Page size | 20 |
sort | string | Sort order | createdTime,desc |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example |
containsText | string | o | Text to search | ostgre |
Name | Type | Description | Note |
id | string | Databse connection ID | In _embedded[connections] |
(POST) /api/preparationdatasets
Name | Type | Required | Description | Example | Note |
dsName | string | o | Dataset name | sales dataset | |
dsDesc | string | Dataset description | |||
dsType | string | o | Dataset type | IMPORTED | |
importType | string | o | UPLOAD / URL / DATABASE / ... | DATABASE | |
delimiter | string | o (file) | Column delimiter | , | File dataset only |
quoteChar | string | o (file) | Quote character for delimiters | " | File dataset only |
filenameBeforeUpload | string | o (file) | Filename before upload for information | sample.csv | File dataset only |
storageType | string | o (file) | LOCAL / HDFS / S3 | LOCAL | File dataset only |
sheetName | string | o (file) | Sheet name when EXCEL | sheet1 | File dataset only |
fileFormat | string | o (file) | CSV / JSON / EXCEL | CSV | File dataset only |
manualColcnt | int | Manually set the column count | 100 | File dataset only | |
dcId | string | o (database) | Data connection ID | d6647451-9b92-47cb-9214-91c2a024e202 | Database dataset only |
rsType | string | o (database) | Result set type - TABLE / QUERY | QUERY | Database dataset only |
queryStmt | string | o (database) | SQL statement without ; | SELECT * FROM EMP | Database dataset only |
Name | Type | Description | Note |
dsId | string | Imported dataset ID |