Pre-releaseDiscovery features
New feature
Support real-time data source (#2562)
Bug Fix
Each screen has different representation for null in data grid (#1750)
Union rule error in data preparation (#2063)
Cannot close preview result panel in join pop-up (#2293)
Download as CSV does not work (#2329)
Wrong function explanation (#2530)
Measure aliases cannot be changed. (#2533)
UI hang after delimiter error (#2610)
Maintain search result list view in datasource mgmt. after moving to detailed view (#2635)
postgresql sql syntax error (#2686)
Dashboard widget 'save table as file' screen error in dark theme (#2695)
If you change from a dark theme to a general theme and refresh the screen, it appears as a dark theme instead of a general theme (#2696)
Change Filter in Exploration list and bug fix. (#2699)
'Size by', 'Radius Range' values are not kept when setting layer in map view chart. (#2722)
'Custom Color Range' values are not kept when setting layer in map view chart. (#2734)
UI enhancements for engine (druid) monitoring (#2680)
When generate a new WDS, add seq# for distinction (#2705)
Unified processing for CSV file (#1815)
Use Better coding patterns and reuse code blocks (#2517)
Unify charset detecting code (#2640)
Druid features
You need to upgrade your Druid according to the Discovery version.
Use druid-metatron-3.3.2.tar.gz from this link
Full features
Support search query on virtual columns (#2719)
Add option for automatic applying of #2702 (#2712)
Optimize finding most frequent item with count-min sketch (#2702)
Fix CCE in frequency post processor (#2700)
Expect list type instead of array for struct type (#2694)
Stream query with order by on metric is not working (#2690)
Sporadic timeout exception on query cancel (#2689)
Indexing speed is severely degraded (#2688)
Support trivial loading of orc/parquet format (#2687)
Add API for retrieving running queries (#2685)
Historical node is not shown in jmx query (#2684)
Support running query in shell (#2683)
Support parquet formatter (#2669)