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Standalone preprocessing code

Ami Bahreini edited this page Oct 31, 2018 · 1 revision


The preprocessing code located in automagic/preprocessing/ (or automagic-master/preprocessing) is a standalone code and can be used independently from the GUI, or any other concept such as project, etc.

This allows you to integrate and modify the preprocessing steps used in Automagic in your own code or other projects.

How it works

The main function in the automagic/preprocessing/ folder is called preprocess.m which consequently calls other preprocessing functions in the same folder one after the other to apply different steps of the preprocessing on the input EEG. A simple example of how to run this function is given below:

params = struct();
[EEG_out, plots] = preprocess(EEG_in, params);

The example above creates an empty structure struct() as parameters and give it to preprocess() alongside with the EEG_in which is an EEGLab data structure. The output EEG_out is also an EEGLab data structure where the result is preprocessed and some additional fields such as EEG_out.automagic are added to the structure to give information about each preprocessing steps applied on the input. The plots output has figures obtained after the preprocessing steps.

In the example above an empty structure struct() as parameters implies to use the default parameters defined by DefaultParameters.m. If you wish to know more on how to modify this params argument please see this link or the comment section of the preprocess.m.