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read-dwarf is a tool for exploring, symbolically executing, and validating ELF binaries generated from C, using DWARF debugging information. It is work in progress, not at present ready for external use.


Build dependencies

There is one dependency that is not on opam: isla-lang. Go to the isla-lang repository and install the latest version. opam install . should work there.

Then you can either install the default configuration of read-dwarf with opam, with opam install . or just install other dependencies with opam install --deps-only . and then follow the rest of the README.

Run-time dependencies

You need a more or less recent version z3, if don't have it on your system package manager, you can use opam install z3.

You also need to install isla. Warning for non-Rust users: you need to add ~/.cargo/bin to your PATH or specify the position of isla-client in ISLA_CLIENT_PATH for read-dwarf to find it.

You will also need to build from the symbolic_rebased branch of sail-arm and place it at the root of the directory or change the arch-file path in src/config/config.toml.


Currently, read-dwarf only supports compile-time (not run-time) selection of architecture, through Dune's virtual modules. See the Architecture overview for more details.

Other compile-time configuration options can be edited in the file src/config/, and accessed in the rest of the code through the Config module. Runtime configuration is loaded from src/config/config.toml.


A simple make works. A read-dwarf symlink will then be created.

While developing, make merlin will only build the necessary parts for the merlin plugin to work. It will fail later than plain make allowing a more accurate linting.


To install read-dwarf, you can do dune install without opam or just use opam and do opam install ..

dune uninstall also work.


To have auto-formatting you need exactly version 0.15.1 of ocamlformat (as identified in .ocamlformat). For example one could do:

opam pin ocamlformat 0.15.1 and opam install ocamlformat.

Then you can use make format to format your code. Please always format before committing. Ask everyone if you want to change ocamlformat options or bump the version.


make doc builds the automatic documentation that is then accessible from doc/html/read-dwarf/index.html.

The odoc program (opam install odoc) is required.

Extra documents are available in the doc folder.


You can run ./read-dwarf --help to get the list of subcommand. For each subcommand you can run ./read-dwarf subcommand --help to learn more about the subcommand


You can run make test for self testing. The libraries ounit, qtest and qcheck are additionally required. You can get then from opam:

opam install qtest ounit qcheck

Folder structure

  • src: The OCaml sources. Run make doc for details.
    • analyse: Code to make hyperlinked webpages or text files of the DWARF debug information
    • arch: Dune virtual library to select architecture.
    • ast: Syntax-tree utilities and manipulations.
    • bin: executable and miscellaneous commands.
    • config: read-dwarf and isla configuration Toml files & infrastructure to handle them.
    • ctype: C type system defintion.
    • dw: DWARF debug info manipulation (wrapper around linksem).
    • elf: ELF manipulation (wrapper around linksem).
    • gen: OCaml code generated from Ott definitions of SMT-Lib expressions.
    • isla: modules for interacting with Isla.
    • run: modules to symbolically evaluate an instruction, block or function.
    • state: definition of abstract machine state and interface to it.
    • tests: QuickCheck tests for some modules.
    • trace: modules for working with instruction traces.
    • utils: utility functions not specific to read-dwarf.
    • z3: modules for interacting with Z3.
  • tests: Library test suite. It compiles as a single executable that performs the tests
  • dune-project: Global dune configuration
  • read-dwarf.opam: OPAM file. Generated by dune-project, edit dune-project.
  • doc: Documentation sources.
  • test_asm: Simple assembly test to test run-bb subcommand.


Read-dwarf may create a cache in a directory named .rdcache. When searching for a cache, read-dwarf will search if there already is a .rdcache directory either in the current directory or one of its parent and use the closest one it finds. If it finds none and need a cache, it will create a .rdcache in the current directory. This directory contains several caches indexed by name.

Use read-dwarf cache --clear name to delete such a cache or read-dwarf cache --clear --a to clear the whole .rdcache directory. You also do read-dwarf cache --list to list existing caches.


Thibaut Pérami, Dhruv Makwana, Neel Krishnaswami, and Peter Sewell


This software was developed by the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory as part of the Rigorous Engineering of Mainstream Systems (REMS) project.

The project has been partly funded by EPSRC grant EP/K008528/1. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 789108, ERC Advanced Grant ELVER). This project has been partly funded by an EPSRC Doctoral Training studentship. This project has been partly funded by Google.


Binary analysis tool







No releases published


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  • OCaml 96.8%
  • HTML 1.0%
  • Makefile 0.9%
  • Standard ML 0.3%
  • SMT 0.3%
  • Awk 0.3%
  • Other 0.4%