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metriql Looker Integration

Generates LookML model from your metriql datasets. The idea is to leverage metriql datasets in your Looker setup without any additional modeling.


The library is available in PyPI so you can install it via pip as follows:

pip install metriql-lookml

The library expects stdin for the metriql metadata and outputs a ZIP file to stdout. Here is an example:

curl | metriql-lookml --connection myproject >

You can use --file argument instead of reading the metadata from stdin as an alternative.

The command outputs a zip file to stdout by default, if you pass --out argument, it will write to the specified file instead.

How does it work?

  1. Create a connection to metriql from Looker using its Trino interface.

  2. Run metriql-lookml passing the relevant connection argument for metriql.

You need to enable JDBC in your metriql server to be able to use metriql's Trino interface.

Build from source

Requires pipenv and python >=3.7

# From root folder
# Install
pipenv install --dev

# Run
pipenv run metriql2lookml