This repo contains the developing content for an introductory workshop on Bayesian pharmacometric data analysis using NONMEM.
- Introduce principles and methods of Bayesian data analysis for pharmacometric applications.
- Provide a hands-on experience in Bayesian data analysis using NONMEM.
- Population PKPD modeling
- Use of R and NONMEM
- Why Bayesian?
- Introduction to Bayesian statistical principles and methods
- Bayes Rule
- Bayesian modeling & inference process
- Computation for Bayesian modeling
- Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Bayes
- Individual: NONMEM POSTHOC
- Population: Penalized Maximum Likelihood
- Full Bayesian analysis
- General computational approach: posterior simulation
- Brief intro to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation
- Gibbs sampling
- Metropolis-Hastings
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and NUTS
- Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Bayes
- Overview of NONMEM implementations
- MAP estimation
- Using prior distributions with optimization methods
- MCMC: BAYES and NUTS methods
- Prior specification in NONMEM
- MAP estimation
- Hands-on 1: Example illustrating Bayesian data analysis workflow
- Prior distributions
- Role of a prior distribution
- Informative, uninformative or weakly informative?
- Hands-on 2: MAP popPK with selective use of informative priors for nuisance parameters: pediatric atorvastatin
- Model evaluation and comparison
- Assessing convergence and choosing numbers of burn-in and post-burn-in samples
- Getting your hands on posterior samples for individual parameters and predictions
- Hands-on 3: Full Bayes popPK with selective use of informative priors for nuisance parameters: pediatric atorvastatin
- When stuff goes wrong
- Diagnosing and remedying sampling problems encountered with MCMC
- Reparameterization, e.g., centered vs non-centered parameterizations for hierarchical models
- Prior distributions as part of the solution
- Hands-on 4: Full Bayes popPKPD using semi-mechanistic model
- Friberg-Karlsson semi-mechanistic model for drug-induced myelosuppression
- Informative priors for drug-independent system parameters
- Practical strategies for selecting Bayesian estimation methods for specific types of problems
- When to go Bayes (and why)?
- Which method?
- Which tool?
- Preview of Bayesian data analysis using Stan and Torsten
- Brief intro with demo
- Advantages/disadvantages
- What didn't we cover?