The series TLOU has become very trendy these days and there have been many contradictions about the main actors of this series, Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. In this project, I tried to understand the critics' feelings about the acting of these two actors based on the reviews of this series on IMDB
I used Beautifulsoup and Selenium to scrape data from TLOU review's page (over 1400 reviews)
Understanding the data
- Shape of the data
- Check column dtypes
- Check is there any null values
Data Preprocessing
- Convert Date Format to Datetime
- Convert Rating Format to Int
Feature Engineering
- Create Sentiment by Review Rating
Analyzing Reviews
- What Rating Did the Users Give to the Series?
- Whats the Min, AVG, Max of Ratings?
- What's the number of reviews according to episodes release date?
- Review Sentiments Based on Rating
- What's the Most Frequent Words in the Reviews?
Extract Reviews with Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal Mentions and Apply Sentiment Analysis on Them for this task I used huggingface transformers for Sentiment Analysis and Spacy for NER