In this guide I will be sharing with you all of the hardware and software I bought, created and wrote to build the Room Automation System
- Esp 32 NodeMCU (ESP32 DEVKITV1)
- 5V power supply with barrel jack and ofc a female jack
- Relay Module with as many relays you want!
- Vero board
- 5V voltage regulator (7805)
- Soldering Stuff
- a brain, because I don't have one to write a good enough tutorial
- Setup your esp32 on micropython using google.
- Install Adafruit-Ampy using pip
- Install PuTTy
- Connect your Esp32 with your computer
- Open command prompt and run the command: mode
This will show you the COM port your ESP 32 is connected to - Using ampy put all of the following files in the following order:
- deviceData.json
- site
- With this the esp32 will try to connect to the wifi and will startup in server mode