It is a virtual gallery developed using DirectX 11.
The scene is composed of a room, a plinth in the centre with an exhibit on it.
When inside the room the walls are opaque when outside the walls are transparent.
- DirectX 11 SDK
- Visual Studio 2019
- DirectXMath
- Assimp (
There are two shading techniques:
- Gouraud shading
- Phong shading (Bump mapping on the walls)
Press F4 to switch between them.
There are three different objects to display (only a single exhibit is displayed at any one time):
- Sphere
- Dragon ( )
- Asian dragon ( )
The normals for the Dragon models are generated using Assimp.
IMPORTANT: download the two Dragon models from the link above and move them into the Gallery/Assets folder.
Press F3 to switch between them.
The room have the following lighting options:
- Ambient + single local light
- Ambient + single local light rotating around the top of the room
- Ambient + four spot lights (one in each of the top corners of the room)
Press F5 to switch between them.
The exhibit and plinth generate shadow effects.
Each object has a single shadow when illuminated by a single directional light, or four shadows when illuminated by the four spotlights.
- Static shadow object on floor only (directional light or spotlights)
- Basic shadow mapping (directional light only)
Press F6 to switch between them.
GPU Particles of dust are to fall from the above the exhibit.
Press F8 to toggle on/off the effect.
The following cameras are adjustable via keyboard controls
- Camera1: Initially looking at the front of the room.
- Camera2: Initially looking at the top of the room from overhead.
Press F1 or F2 to switch between them.
- ‘ESC’ exits the application
- F1 to F2 will select Camera1 and Camera2, respectively, as explained above
- F3 switches between exhibits
- F4 switches between exhibit render techniques
- F5 switches between lighting options
- F6 switches between shadow types
- F8 start/stop the dust falling
- Cameras are controlled by the cursor keys:
- LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN rotate left/right/up/down, respectively
- CTRL + LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN move to left/right/forward/backward/up/down, respectively
- Alternatively, W, A, S, D or I, J, K, L keys may be used instead of the “cursor” keys
- T / SHIFT + T decrease/increase a factor that globally slows/speeds-up time-dependent effects
- R resets the scene
Scene elements, lights, and camera are read from a configuration file.