This module provides table manipulations regardless of storage format Complete rewrite based on my old mytables package.
Bidirectional support (read/write): csv, ascii fits (requires pyfits) hdf5 (requires pytables) json (requires json)
only write support: latex
starting to add astro tools
add BLOSC compression to hdf5 tables: more load on cpu but less on disk IO
cone search on position keys without vo tools
support more formats
- sqlite
- psql
- mysql
- lsd
- votable
distributed tables: chuncks of lines distributed over n-workers
- BLOSC carray,
- multiprocessing + zmq or shared memory
- pure MapReduce ?? (backend mp or mpi)
- look at Durus FileStorage: (persistent storage -- pickleshare + network)
- look at ZODB (not sure about network) (persistent storage -- pickleshare + network)
consider the idea of a DB = aggregation of tables
- need join -- done
- need storage/reading/writing
- can be mixed formats!!
- need a query parser
develop a pytable array based for heavy computations --> better than memmap
- pytable is able to do fast computations even with disk access
- optimized expressions using tables.expr (BLAST)
- faster than numpy memmap, and numexpr
- optimized where queries: '''python
for row in tbl.where('(sqrt(x2 + y2) <= 1) & (z < 100)'): ... do something with row['name'], row['x']... '''
0.1 -- 04/03/2011, MF
Definition of the classes related to a Table object:
Default registered formats:
asciiManager (dat, txt, ascii)
csvManager (csv)
fitsManager (fits) -- requires pyfits
Import/Export manages also column description/comments & units
in all the default registered formats
0.2 -- 07/03/2011, MF
New formats added:
hd5Manager (hd5, hdf5) -- requires pytables
latexManager (tex) only writing
0.3 -- 07/03/2011, MF
New feature added:
Tables are now callable to produce simple operations
you can now generate a column based on simple scalar operations
or also +,-,*,/ operation.
example: > r = table('x+2*y') or > r = table('a/b')
but this is not tested to follow operation priorities, besides
it could not perform complex operations sur as >table('x/(a+b)')
0.3.1 -- 09/03/2011, MF
Debug: Fits export,
order in the units, comments fixed
string export fixed
multiple comment & history keywords export fixed
0.3.2 -- 01/04/2011, MF
New features added
Added join & match functions to the module
0.3.3 -- 12/04/2011, MF
Bug correction: opening HD5 tables that does not contain UNITS...
0.3.4 -- 09/05/2011, MF
Bug correction: opening HD5 tables and tablename issues leading
to errors in reading table header
0.3.5 -- 31/08/2011, MF
Bug correction: ascii files issues
delimiter was not always taken into account
now you can force a given line to be the column
description forceHealLine keyword
0.3.6 -- 09/09/2011, MF
Bug correction: ascii/csv files issues when mixing with text
replacing loadfromtxt call by a recfrom<> call which
does the job better
if a column name already exists it will add a suffix
instead of overwriting the column
0.4 -- 09/09/2011, MF
added features:
disp -- pretty print (part of) the table
__str__ -- returns disp with default arguments
evalexpr -- let you do some simple operations on the table using
column names as variables (incl. math symbols) and
external variables as well
TODO: need to find a way to extend math functions to
where -- traditional where function based on evalexpr
selectWhere -- is equivalent to Table[where()] and return a table
with only matching conditions (can also restrict
selected fields)
extract -- Returns a sub-table based on a given selection of
lines or fields
__call__ updated to use evalexpr
__getitem__ returns uses getRow for a single numerical value
uses getCol for a string
uses extract for an iterable
0.4.1 -- 15/09/2011, MF
added features:
stats -- returns a table with statistics over the
selected columns (mean, std, hpd, quantiles...)
0.5.0-- 13/10/2011, MF
added features:
distributedTable-- new table class that let you use disk space
instead of RAM and allow multiple concurrent
(Still in development)
Currently should work for reading
Saving changes are currently not fully
operational, data headers are not updated in
Generating tables from recarray.
Added a idl save file reader
0.6.0 -- 30/03/2012, MF
added features;
sqltables are now managed through sqlManager nd sqlite3
you can use it to load or generate sqlite tables. -- 01/11/2012, MF
Major changes:
the entire code has been changed to be based on np.recArray data storage
-- reduces memory footprint
-- more transparent in the usage with numpy as an array
-- Tables are pickleable objects (so far)
-- evalexpr is replace by python eval using the table
dictionnary as a globals (incl. numpy)
Added features:
-- the constructor of the class is able to read files directly
replacing the load() function
-- JSON import and export is now available
-- Aliases of columns is now supported (and kept through exports)
-- Columns are now ordered and their positions can be changed
-- The table can be generated from ndarray, dict or Table objects (copy)
-- the constructor can handle streams as well as files (e.g. StringIO)
Removed features:
-- load replaced by the class constructor >>> Table(file)
-- extract replaced by __getitem__ >>> tab[fields][indexes] or tab[indexes][fields]