Python routine to aggregate by-the-minute open, close, high, and low data from the TD Ameritrade API into structured JSON files.
In order to bypass the idea of paying for financial data, I wrote this routine to scrape the public TD Ameritrade API so that I can have by-the-minute data for use in my data science projects. I plan to rewrite the routine in MicroPython so that I can put it on my Raspberry Pi Pico.
While the files contain self-explanatory code, this section briefly summarizes the purpose of each file.
- This class was written to interract with the TD Ameritrade API. It contains methods that could be helpful in pulling the price history of a single stock, a group of stocks given a list, or to pull the price history of all the stocks available on there (excluding small OTC symbols). This file should be used as an import.
- I use this file to run the TdPriceHistory class, get the latest 10 days of data I need, and append it to the end of each tickers JSON file.
You can import the TdPriceHistory class from the file for use in your projects with the usual
from td_price_history import TdPriceHistory
command. Do insert your own API keys so that it works properly.
- TD Ameritrade API.
- Yahoo Finance API.
- Python (libraries include requests, json, ijson, datetime, pandas, umap, matplotlib, multiprocessing).