This is the PHP flavour of the CoConAT Content Access Tool. It is a small library to access the contents of a CoreMedia content repository through direct access of a Content Server database (CMS, MLS, or RLS) in a structured way.
It is a direct rewrite of portions of the Java flavour to use PHP standard means for database access.
CoConAT PHP ist available through Packagist.
Please use the issue reporting facility at github to get in touch.
Prerequisites are composer and phpunit.
composer update
The test run can be started via
phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php test
This unittest uses an sqlite3 database which can be create from the source with
sqlite3 test/unittest.sqlite3 < test/unittest.sql
A ReadContent.php example is included in the example directory which relies on the same MySQL menusite database to exist as its Java counter part.